2021年度国際学会発表報告/International Conference Presentation Report 2021



Conference Name
(国際協力研究科 Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation)
SIDDIK MD ABU BAKOR Inclusive and Supportive Education Conference 2021
NOVTRYANANDA MARYANTI STEFANI GHUNU The 12th CESA Biennial Conference Kathmandu 2021
(人間社会科学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences)
中川 彩美

The 12th CESA Biennial Conference Kathmandu 2021
GONZALVO CLARISSE MENDOZA The 66th Annual Conference of the Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society
長谷部 千紘

The 2nd Biennial Comparative Education Society of Cambodia
梁 志桉

The 7th Global Higher Education Forum 2021
(先進理工系科学研究科 Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
JEONG JAESOON AOGS 2021 18th Annual Meeting
AKHLISH DIINAL AZIIZ HABITechno 5 International Conference



Inclusive and Supportive Education Conference, from 3rd – 5th August 2021, London.

Hosted by UCL Centre for Inclusive Education, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT

I attended the Inclusive and Supportive Education Conference (ISEC-2021) from August 3rd to August 5th, 2021, in London with my paper titled “Bangladeshi Government Primary School, Teachers’ Training Needs Towards Inclusive Education." That conference was held online from University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT. At the ISEC-2021 conference, more than 200 delegates presented their research studies from 30 countries. This was the biggest conference in 2021 on inclusive education. This conference's theme was “Closing the Research to Practice Gap.”

At this conference, I joined and presented my paper, which was a part of my PhD study. I presented my PhD study’s summary in 15 minutes in my presentation. I presented the background and purpose of the study, the methods I used in the study, and a part of the results. My presentation was divided into two parts; one was about the questionnaire development, where I presented the questionnaire’s development and the questionnaire’s validity & reliability tests. Moreover, the second part was related to the results that I got from the statistical analysis. I collected 245 data points from Bangladeshi government primary school teachers and teacher trainers, and I ran Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). I presented those analysis results in my presentation very briefly. However, I discussed an SEM that was created from the data about the relations among the factors for developing government primary school teachers’ training needs towards IE. The presentation of the relations among the factors was my main topic in this presentation because it shows a new way to train Bangladeshi government primary school teachers' training model.

After my presentation, I received several comments and suggestions from the audience. However, the most important comment was that I should see special schools' practice and compare it with inclusive schools.


The 12th Biennial Conferences of Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA), Kathmandu, Nepal

Due to the pandemic situation, I participated in the 12th Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA) virtual from Japan. This conference was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on September 25th-26th, 2021. It was an excellent opportunity to share part of my research with the education expert in Asia. On the first day, we (participants) listened to the keynote speaker who shared about the Education and the Global Challenges of Populist Nationalism – Asia-Europe Comparison and continued with the parallel session. I was presented on the second day, on 26th September 2021. My presentation title was The Perception of Professional Development by Remote Areas Elementary School Teachers in Indonesia. This presentation explained how teachers perceive their professional development as an essential factor in strengthening their belief and motivation to overcome the education challenges in remote area situations by seeing the advantages and challenges in their professional development. The participants in this study were homeroom elementary teachers in one of the remote areas in Indonesia named Sabu Raijua. The result of my study was that even the remote area teacher understands the professional development well, but they still recognize the challenges of the professional development program. Such as the lack of facilities, the limitation of time, training material was not fit with the field condition, and the programs being difficult to carry out continuously. Lack of teacher preparation, motivation, and self-confidence became the internal obstacles of professional development in this remote area. By that time, I got one comment from the audience to not only consider the remote area teachers’ perception but also can consider the urban area perception regarding their professional development. I was responding that it will be my future work to see the urban teacher’s perception too and hope it can give a clear image of to solve the problem of equality of education in Indonesia. Furthermore, the future conference will be held in Japan and Hiroshima University will host the next conference in 2023.


Comparative Education Society of Asia 12th Biennial Conference(カトマンズ)に参加して   

2021年9月25日~2021年9月26日にかけてネパールのカトマンズ大学にて開催されたComparative Education Society of Asia 12th Biennial Conferenceに参加させていただきました。新型コロナウイルスの関係で本学会はオンラインでの開催となり、実際にカトマンズへ訪問することはできませんでしたが、1日目のセレモニーではネパール音楽の紹介や演奏などもあり、少しばかりではありますが実際にネパールへ訪れたような体験もできました。本学会で私は”Education to Promote Health Behavior against the Pollution in Indonesia”という題目で口頭発表を行いました。本発表では、公害による健康被害を防ぐアプローチの一つとして市民の健康行動を挙げ、健康行動の促進に向けて現行の学校教育カリキュラムや教科書はどのように活用し得るかということに関してインドネシアに焦点を当てて発表させていただきました。私にとって初めての口頭発表・国際学会への参加でしたので、英語での発表や質疑応答など、勝手がわからないことも多々ありました。しかしながら、日本国外の研究者の方々が現在どのような研究をされているのかを知る貴重な時間であったと同時に、各発表者の発表方法も非常に多様で、研究発表を行う際の参考ともなりました。今後も今回の経験を糧に国内外問わず学会発表に挑んでいければと考えております。


Impacts of biotech corn adoption among farmers in Pampanga, Philippines: Analyzing farmer decision-making in connection with their self-concept and social identity

The 66th Annual Conference of the Australasian Asian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society (AARES)

February 7-11, 2022 (Virtual)

On February 7-11, 2022, I attended the 66th annual conference of the Australasian Asian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society (AARES), hosted by the University of New England (Australia). This conference is being held yearly since 1957 and various delegates worldwide participate. This year, it was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I presented a paper connected to my Ph.D. thesis and I won the first-time presenter’s award. This award aims to recognize the most outstanding presentation by a delegate presenting a paper at the conference for the first time. I received a $100 cash award and certificate. I learned a lot from the conference and received valuable feedback on my presentation.

My research is about the social impacts of biotech corn among farmers in Pampanga, Philippines. The Philippines is the first country in Southeast Asia to approve the commercial cultivation of biotech corn; moreover, biotech eggplant and golden rice were also approved for propagation in 2021. Aside from the various technical data focusing on biotech crop production – which has been ongoing for almost two decades now – it is also critical to understand how biotech farmers understand their self-concept and the identity they take part in society, since these influence their behavior, resilience in times of uncertainty, and farming decisions. This study therefore analyzed the decision-making process of 146 biotech corn farmers in the province of Pampanga, Philippines, of which a majority are long-term adopters, to understand the impacts of biotech corn to their lives in connection with their self-concept and social identity. Results of the stepwise regression and decision trees generated through machine learning showed that the market situation of biotech corn and farmers’ own opinions in planting biotech corn were the top predictors influencing their knowledge and willingness to sell biotech corn, respectively. This result indicated that underlying themes of self-concept are indeed critical factors for biotech corn farmers.

Thematic analysis showed that farmers identify themselves as highly knowledgeable with the biotech crop they are adopting, and how biotech corn has improved their lives due to increase in yield and income, and reduction in labor. Increase in emotional status was also observed, with the farmers saying that ever since becoming a biotech corn farmer, they became happier, experienced peace of mind, were able to pay off their debts, and supported their family more, as compared to the times when majority of their conventional corn is being destroyed by pest. On the other hand, the major theme that surfaced for farmers’ social identity is how they see themselves as a part of a united community, wherein they highly value their camaraderie with other biotech farmers.


2nd Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Cambodia

   I joined the 2nd Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Cambodia held on 14th and 15th October 2021 at Kirirom Institute of Technology, Cambodia. Due to the COVID-19 situation, I joined online via Zoom. Unfortunately, I could not see other participants face to face, but the hybrid style enabled me to join the international academic event without geographical worries. It was my first time presenting at an international academic conference. Although I was a bit nervous before my talk, I was later bestowed with courage and confidence. My presentation was about the historical significance of a mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) for ethnic minorities, who are referred to as hill tribe, in Thailand. MTB-MLE is a new educational approach for ethnolinguistic minorities whose mother tongue is not a medium of instruction at schools. The topic was approached from the development of language policies about non-dominant languages in Thailand. The findings highlighted the unique characteristics of MTB-MLE in comparison with the conventional language policy. MTB-MLE improves academic performances, self-esteem, and parental involvement in education. I was glad that my presentation drew interest from Cambodian participants since a similar situation currently exists in education for Cambodian minorities. Additionally, I learned a lot from other experienced presenters who are working on varied educational issues.

 This presentation was based on the content analysis of related literature and policy documents. From now onwards, I am going to conduct fieldwork at the schools applying MTB-MLE in their teaching so that MTB-MLE is further scrutinized contextually. Needless to say, I am willing to participate again in upcoming conferences once the data gained from my fieldwork in Thailand is thoroughly analyzed.

 Lastly, I would like to sincerely appreciate my supervisor and lab mates for their encouragement and professional support throughout the way.


7th Global Higher Education Forum 2021 (Malaysia)

The 7th Global Higher Education Forum was organized by the Universiti Sains Malaysia, held from late July to mid-August, due to COVID, this year was organized online, the theme of this year is Disruptive Era: Higher Education at the Crossroads. The forum included keynote speeches, a female and youth symposium and an academic paper presentation. 

For the past two years, the global world was largely impacted by the pandemic, the higher education institution also facing different kinds of problems, such as closed borders causing students could not study abroad, some of them decide to study online, some of them give up and apply for other universities. These issues cause a decrease in income for the university and surrounding business, on the other hand, the financial subsidy to the university make a heavy burden on the government treasury, the government would invest the money in competitive research to motivate the research output, when facing the financial pressure in this situation, university management should consider how to sharpen their competitive advantage into enlarging their income and maintain sustainable development.  

My presentation is summarizing 4 examples of universities located in Japan and Hong Kong, their income distribution, special features of the universities that help the universities, such as urban satellite campuses located in high-end business areas, develop healthy supplement business, high-quality medical service, strategic donation promotion and program etc. the core concept of the presentation is not providing ideas of how to earn money for university, but it is inspiring the audience, to bring alert to develop a new business model earlier, by sharing different universities experience. It will be too late if we enter the new market late, it is a good timing to raise this topic to the audiences and this will be a professional position and a trend for universities. 

I gain a lot of precious experience from this presentation, I could share my idea with other researchers, and received a lot of good comments, which help me improve my skills, and inspire my future research, I am glad that the topic was invited to publish as a journal paper and motivating me to work hard for next academic achievement.


The 18th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) International Conference (Virtual)

 I attended the AOGS2021 international conference from 1 Aug to 6 Aug in 2021. The conference was held online. At this conference, I made two presentations, oral and poster. The titles were “Intensive Sediment Deposition Due to Density-driven Circulation in the North Port, Incheon, Korea” for the oral presentation and “Studies on Stratification in the North Port, Incheon, Korea, and Its Effect on Currents with FVCOM” for the poster presentation. The research is related to ocean circulation and the process of sedimentation near harbors in which economic activity and human population are high. The point of my research is that macro tide can enhance a baroclinic force and cause extraordinary sedimentation inside the harbor which developed perpendicularly to the mainstream. The intensity of sedimentation is an important subject to be concerned for the safety and maintenance of harbors. If the sediment is deposited in the harbor at high speed, vessels cannot operate due to the shallow water depth. However, dredging of deposited sediment demands huge amounts of costs so that understanding and preventing the sedimentation process have a high potential of economic values.

 From this conference, I could get diverse opinions, related to how to improve my research and how to apply this research to other fields, from diverse perspectives. These opinions became very useful information for my next research. Because my next research area is Hiroshima Bay, Japan, I could apply these comments to study the Japanese coastal ocean environment. Moreover, I could summarize and conclude more precisely while preparing the presentation.

 Before this conference, I had few chances to make an oral presentation in English in front of foreign researchers such that some anxieties and fears were in my mind. While preparing and making presentations in this conference, I genuinely feel I could grow more and gain confidence. This chance was very meaningful and make me go one step further.


An Experiment to Investigate Indoor Thermal Comfort in Hot-Humid Climate in Indonesia

The 5th International Conference HABITECHNO 2021 was held online globally on November 11, 2021, with the topic this year, Adaptive Technology for Human Settlements. Organized by the Architecture Department of Institut Teknologi Bandung since 2013, HABITECHNO is a biennial international conference that focuses on innovative solutions in the concept and practice of contemporary technology for housing and settlement development, especially for low-income dwelling in developing country case. The paper in this research was a collaboration works between Hiroshima University, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and Institute of Technology SHIMIZU Corporation Japan. The research was designed to understand the thermal comfort of workers in Indonesia physiologically and psychologically. An experiment was conducted in a controlled room in Bandung-Indonesia, assessing a total of 28 subjects for their thermal response while doing light work from November 2018 to March 2019. The controlled room has been equipped with a controlled thermal environment suit for the subject to perform their usual daily work. There were 12 cases total for one session, based on four temperatures; 22 °C, 25°C, 28 °C, and 31 °C and three humidity; 40%, 50%, and 60%. Multi-regression analysis was performed to extract the significances and correlation over the parameters involved. The result reveals that 22-25 °C indoors is still appropriate for working indoor activity, whereas respondents tend to feel 22 °C as the most comfortable ambient temperature for working indoors. The presenter in this works also assigns to be the moderator in the parallel session, obtaining inputs for the published papers. This research has been successfully presented on November 11, 2021, online in the session climate change, energy conservation, biomass, green infrastructure, etc. This works is an initial project to Investigating how the worker in Indonesia define their preferences of thermal comfort while working in the recent time, challenging the local standard that has been around for more than 20 years. The future research involved the same stake holder and will be furtherly assessing the physiology of the human to achieve their thermal comfort.
