
Admission information

Maximum number of entrants


Maximum number of entrants and assessment methods

●General admission examination: 1st session (72 students) and 2nd session (6 students)
●Admission office recruitment and entry (Type-II general assessment system) 2 students

Subjects of general admission examination

Students applying for 1st session are required to choose A-type or B-type, without regard to the courses.
Successful students are determined based upon total scores, without regard to A-type or B-type.

◎1st session (A-type)

Subjects of National Center Test University-specific test
Subject Areas Subjects Point allocation Subject Areas Subjects Point allocation
Japanese Language Japanese Language 200 Mathematics Mathematics
A+B (numerical
sequence and vector)
Geography/History/Civics Two subjects from World History B, Japanese History B, Geography B,
World History B, Japanese History B, Geography B,
*Contemporary Society, *Ethics, *Politics & Economics, *Ethics/Politics & Economics
Mathematics Mathematic I+Mathematics A 200
One subject from Mathematics II+Mathematics B, Bookkeeping and Accounting, or Basics in Information Processing
Science Two subjects from Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Basic Biology or Basic Earth Science
Two subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Earth Science
100 Foreign Language One subject from English, German, French or Chinese 600
Foreign Language One subject from English, German, French, Chinese or Korean 200
Total 900
(Five/six subject areas, eight subjects) Total 1200

Applicants are not allowed to choose two civics subjects with "*" marks.

◎1st session (B-type)

Subjects of National Center Test University-specific test
Subject Areas Subjects Point allocation Subject Areas Subjects Point allocation
Japanese Language Japanese Language 200 Mathematics Mathematics
I+II+III/Mathematics A+B (numerical sequence and vector)
Geography/History/Civics One subject from World History B, Japanese History B, Geography B, Contemporary Society, Ethics/Politics & Economics 100
Mathematics Mathematic I+Mathematics A 200
One subject from Mathematics II+Mathematics B, Bookkeeping and Accounting, or Basics in Information Processing
Science Two subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Earth Science 200 Foreign Language One subject from English, German, French or Chinese 400
Foreign Language One subject from English, German, French, Chinese or Korean 200
Total 900
(Five subject areas, seven subjects) Total 1200

◎2nd session

Subjects of National Center Test University-specific test
Subject Areas Subjects Point allocation Subject Areas Subjects Point allocation
Mathematics Mathematic I+Mathematics A 600 Other Interview 100
One subject from Mathematics II+Mathematics B, Bookkeeping and Accounting, or Basics in Information Processing
Foreign Language One subject from English, German, French, Chinese or Korean 600
Total 1200
(Two subject areas, three subjects) Total 100

◎Admission office recruitment and entry (Type-II general assessment system)

We award successful applicants based on the consideration of application documents (high school grade/activities report and self-recommendation letter), essays, interviews and the National Center Test results.

※We also have other types of selection systems, namely, admission office recruitment and entry (targeted assessment system: entrance examination for international baccalaureate holders and candidates) and admission system for own-expense foreign students . Number of students to be accepted under these systems is quite limited. For further information on entrance examination, see "Information for Applicants ."
