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広島英語研究会 第53回夏季研究大会を開催します

広島英語研究会(The English Research Association of Hiroshima)では、下記の日程で、広島英語研究会第53回夏季研究大会を開催いたします。


【日時】 平成24年8月4日(土)、8月5日(日)
【場所】 広仁会館大会議室(広島大学霞キャンバス)
〒734-8551 広島市南区霞1-2-3(082-257-5098)http://www.koujin-med.jp/
Saturday, 4th August
 Interim Report of M.A. Theses: Chaired by Akiyuki Jimura
  10:00-10:40 Koichiro Hiraoka, “Repetition in Christmas Carol: A Stylistic Analysis”
  10:40-11:20 Kyoko Hirafuji, “Word Pairs in The Canterbury Tales
 Report of the Overseas Conference
 The New Chaucer Society, Portland State University, Oregon: Chaired by Akiyuki Jimura
  11:20-11:50 Yoshiyuki Nakao, Akiyuki Jimura, and Noriyuki Kawano, “Choice and Psychology of Negation in Chaucer’s Language: Syntactic, Lexical, Semantic Negative Choice with Evidence from the Hengwrt and Ellesmere MSs and the Two Editions of the Canterbury Tales
 Annual General Meeting: Chaired by Akiyuki Jimura (11:50-12:20)
 Lunch (12:20-14:00)
 Report of the Overseas Conference
 Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), The University of Malta: Chaired by Miyuki Nishio
  14:00-14:30 Saoko Funada, “Rhetorical Expressions in Bleak House
  14:30-15:00 Miyuki Nishio, “A Study of ‘Many’s the NP’ Construction in Dickens: With a Comparative Analysis of the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Novels”
 Reading of Research Papers: Chaired by Naoki Hirayama
  15:00-15:30 Motoko Sando, “Some Aspects of the Making of American English”
  15:30-16:00 Seiko Sakamoto, “Colour Description of Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles
 Afternoon Tea (16:00-16:20)
 Reading of Research Papers: Chaired by Hiroji Fukumoto
  16:20-16:50 Katsunori Furumoto, “A Descriptive Analysis of Jane Austen’s Use of Being Doing
  16:50-17:20 Kazuho Mizuno, “Testing Historical Corpora for Modern English”
 Conference Banquet (18:00-20:00)
Sunday, 5th August
 Reading of Research Papers: Chaired by Mayumi Sawada
  10:00-10:30 Akio Katami, “Comparative Studies of Repetition and Word Pairs in the Shorter and Longer Versions of Julian of Norwich”
  10:30-11:00 Eri Matsuzawa, “Kyng Alisaunder: Usage and Accentuation of Do and Gin
 Reading of Research Papers: Chaired by Hideshi Ohno
  11:00-11:30 Yukio Haraguchi, “Subordinating Conjunctions that Introduce an Adverbial Clause of Time in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century Prose Works: as soon as, no soonerthan, scarce(ly)when/ before, hardly when/before, etc.”
  11:30-12:00 Hideo Ozaki, “A Review of Tomohiro Tsuchiya’s A Semantic-Syntactic Study on the Differences between the That-Complement and the Zero That-Complement (Kaitakusha, 2012)”
 Lunch (12:00-13:30)
 Special Lecture: Chaired by Masahiro Hori
  13:30-15:00 Hiroyuki Ito, “Guided by Dr. Michio Masui: A Path of My Research Life”
 Afternoon Tea (15:00-15:20)
 Reading of a Literary Text: Chaired by Ken Nakagawa
  15:20-18:20 Shintetsu Fukunaga, “A Reading of George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda, Chapter XXII”
Tel/Fax: 082-424-6678
E-mail: era★hiroshima-u.ac.jp(★を@にかえてお送りください。)
