Online consultation service from 10 AM on Nov.1st without prior reservations!!

The Center for Academic Practice and Resources has established education and learning counter at Student Plaza 1st floor. 
At this counter, student staff (graduate students) of the Center will be available for face-to-face, e-mail, and online consultations regarding students' academic concerns.

Regarding online consultations, in order to encourage as many as students to access to this service, make it easier for those at both Kasumi Campus and Higashi-Senda Campus. 
We will start the service from   10:00 AM on November 1 (Wednesday) and accept online consultations without prior reservations. (For consultations in English or Chinese, please contact us in advance at "".)
You can access to the following website to know more details about how to access to the online consultation and other information.
If you have any problems with your learning, such as not knowing how to register for courses, how to prepare and review, or how to write reports, etc., please contact us anytime.

   [Learning support : Learning Support Counter]



Center for Academic Practice and Resources
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