Periodontal Medicine

Prof. Noriyoshi Mizuno

【Research Keyword】
tissue regeneration, neurotrophin, mesenchymal stem cell, periodontal disease, aggressive periodontitis, susceptibility, periodontal disease, autoantibody, prevention, intercellular adhesion molecule, diabetes, rheumatism, hepatitis, halitosis

【Recent highlights】
Periodontal tissue regenerative therapy with mesenchymal stem cells and neurotropic factors has recently attracted the attention of people throughout Japan and is expected to be used as a new treatment for periodontal disease.

Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars

Study on Periodontology (Graduate School)
Lecture about Periodontology (School of Dentistry)

1. Study on therapies for periodontal tissue regeneration
We evaluate the effect of mesenchymal stem cells or neurotropic factors on periodontal tissue regeneration.
2. Study on disease susceptibility to periodontal disease
Some host factors are thought to be causes of special periodontal diseases. We examine the pathogenic mechanism of the periodontal disease using DNA, sera or neutrophils isolated from patients.
3. Study on diverse risk factors involved in periodontal disease
We examine the mechanism how various risk factors including an autoantibody, are involved in progression of periodontal disease.
4. Study on diagnosis for periodontal disease
We examine the periodontal disease related-biomarkers in saliva in order to make use of clinical diagnosis for periodontal disease.
5. Study on the prevention of periodontal disease
We develop the preventive therapy, particularly focusing on interaction between host cells and periodontopathogenic bacteria.
6. Study on the therapy for periapical periodontitis
We aim at the establishment of a new treatment for periapical periodontisis by regulation of host cell function and removal of bacteria.
