
Academic Vision

The Graduate School of Biosphere Science aims to pursue programs of education and research that contribute to human welfare and peace through the scientific investigation of biosphere phenomena and the resolution of problems in order to achieve a harmonious coexistence of mankind and nature.


The Graduate School of Biosphere Science seeks to gain a comprehensive and integrated understanding of biosphere phenomena and to train specialists and researchers capable of contributing to the sustainable development of regional and international communities through educational and research activities designed to promote the harmonious coexistence of humans and the environment. It is committed to responding positively to the demands of the times and the needs of our society by pursuing educational and research activities in accordance with the following aims:

  1. To create and develop sustainable biological production activities in harmony with nature
  2. To develop technologies for harnessing bioresources and their functions, and applying them to human lives
  3. To develop technologies for forecasting, controlling, and evaluating recirculations in the biosphere


The Graduate School of Biosphere Science initiates a comprehensive and integrated educational and research program of based on local and global perspectives. This program is characterized by

  • Pure, applied, and strategic research
  • Research projects that cut across course and division boundaries
  • An emphasis on the sciences based in the field and fieldwork
  • A global perspective that uses the Setouchi region as a model area
  • Partnerships with local research organizations

3 Policies



The concept of Biosphere was recognized universally in the IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Program) of the General Meeting of the International Council for Science held at Bern, Switzerland in 1986. Biosphere Sciences are a comparatively new field of study, a synthesis of the Human, Social and Natural Sciences. Some goals for studying Biosphere Sciences include promoting coexistence between humans and the natural environment, development of bioresources, and environmental management.
