If you have an appointment, please use a Return Patients Registration Machine.
After the procedure is finished, please take your hospital card, a reception slip, and a PHS receiver from the Return Patients Registration Machine.
Next, place the reception slip in a blue file that is on the right side and submit the file to each department reception desk.
We check your Japanese health insurance card on the first consultation date of each month at each department reception desk.
If you would like to consult with our doctor during hospitalization in another medical institution, you should ask them and bring a medical referral letter IN ADVANCE. In this case, your medical cost may change.
If you do not present your Japanese health insurance card, you have to pay the full amount of medical costs.

If you forget to bring your hospital card, you cannot use a Return Patient Registration Machine.
In this case, please fill in an application form for return patients and place it in the Return Patient(再診) box at the general reception desk Nos. 5 and 6.
We call you in the order of receiving the following application forms for return patients. Please wait around the general reception desk.
If you visit our hospital after 11:00 am, please speak to our staff directly at the general reception desk Nos. 5 and 6.
If you lost your hospital card, you need to buy a hospital card (100 yen) by a vending machine located on the right side of Starbucks. Please submit the hospital card and the application from for return patients to the general reception desk Nos. 5 and 6. Your information will be registered in this card, and a new hospital card will be issued.
If you visit our hospital after 11:00 am, please speak to our staff directly at the general reception desk Nos. 5 and 6.