The IDEC/JICA Collaborative Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) Zambia Education Program has been conducted in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) since 2002. The aim of this program is to fuse practice with research—participants teach mathematics or science in Zambian schools at either junior or senior secondary level as JOCV, and at the same time conduct research as graduate students of IDEC. The program seeks to foster professional growth through international cooperation. So far, the program has developed human resources for schools, international cooperation agencies, research institutions and private companies. Students who enroll in IDEC spend the first six or 12 months studying the theory of international cooperation at IDEC. They then go to Zambia for two years. While the students are in the field, their supervisors instruct them by email. Upon returning from Zambia, students spend six to 12 months writing a master’s thesis based on their research. Thirteen students have completed the program since its inception in 2002, and seven are currently working in Zambia.
- Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
- Education
- Special Education Programs
- IDEC/JICA Collaborative JOCV Zambia Education Program