Fire Drill Conducted at International House

In order to boost the security of the living environment and the awareness of disaster prevention, a fire drill was carried out at the International House of Hiroshima University on Saturday, 31st October, and 54 international students joined the drill. After an emergency alarm went off, a student representative made an emergency call (119) to the Higashihiroshima fire station, and everyone evacuated from the three buildings promptly.

Under the guidance of the station officers, the students learned how to take countermeasures in times of fire and EMS (Emergency Medical Services) along with how to respond in case of earthquake or other natural disasters. Then, they put fire-extinguishing methods into practice by using a water extinguisher first-hand as well as one of the fire hoses, which are equipped on each floor, to practice releasing water.

Emergency call numbers and countermeasures against disasters vary across the globe. For that reason, such a drill is indispensable to new international students. The International House conducts a fire drill biannually, in April and October, and provides such opportunities for all residents to ensure their safety.

Firefighter explaining how to use a water extinguisher

Participant releasing water from a fire hose


Hiroshima University Student Services Group

TEL: 082-424-6181

Hiroshima University International House

TEL: 082-424-3495
