The department is the largest and the busiest diagnostic radiology department in Hiroshima Prefecture. It employs 17 diagnostic radiologists 14 of whom are board-certified. Our full complement of modern imaging systems includes digital radiography and mammography, angiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, positron emission computed tomography, and nuclear medicine. We provide education of advanced imaging to medical students and residents. Our department also delivers image-guided minimally invasive therapies (Interventional Radiology) and provide education about the Interventional Radiology.
In the field of diagnostic imaging, we perform a wide variety of clinical research using 320-detector CT, 3-Tesla MRI, PET-CT et al. Our work also includes, the development of new diagnostic imaging methods from the point of medical engineering and research on the biological effect of low-dose X-ray exposure in diagnostic imaging.
In IVR (interventional radiology), we focus on research about IVR based new therapies for liver cancer, IVR based treatment for portal hypertension and a non-vascular IVR that uses an IVR-CT system.
In our laboratory, we are actively collaborating with domestic and foreign universities and corporations such as the Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine of Hiroshima University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Hiroshima City University, Kumamoto University, Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation and Hitachi Medical Corporation.
【Photo explanation】Our staffs working in the film interpretation room of the Hiroshima University Hospital.