(Respiratory Medicine)
A variety of diseases are contained in a group of respiratory diseases; cancer, allergic disease (i.e. Bronchial asthma), auto immune diseases, infections and lifestyle-related diseases (i.e. COPD or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome). We are cooperating with various hospitals and clinics to actualize the content-rich postgraduate education program and training doctors with broad experience and knowledge.
(Endocrinology and Diabetic Medicine)
Endocrine-metabolic disorders are caused by abnormality in hormones. Organs secreting hormones are located throughout the body and hormones affect an extensive variety of tissues. Endocrine-metabolic disorders include a wide range of conditions from common disorders that affect many people, such as diabetes and dyslipidemia, to rare diseases. Symptoms and signs appear throughout the body and therefore many clinical departments need to be involved. Acquiring adequate knowledge of this subject as a clinician is needed.
We aim to let students deepen understanding of a wide variety of endocrine-metabolic disorders and acquire basic knowledge necessary for a clinician.
(Respiratory Medicine) ※Find more information for contents
1.Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1
We have demonstrated that PAI-1, an inhibitor of fibrinolytic system, is involved in the pathogenesis of various respiratory diseases such as interstitial pneumonia, bronchial asthma and lung cancer, and can be the promising therapeutic target.
2.Krebs von den Lungen (KL)-6
We have established the measurement assay of KL-6, the world's first serum biomarker for interstitial pneumonia, and have conducted extensive research from its molecular basis to clinical practice.
3.Other clinical research
We are actively participating in group research conducted by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. We have also conducted various clinical studies of obstructive pulmonary diseases and diffuse lung diseases using airway resistance tests and induced sputum tests, and we also have been conducting longitudinal cohort study of COPD.Additionally, we have participated in lung cancer clinical trials conducted in JCOG and WJOG.
4.Longitudinal cohort study for former workers of poison gas factory
For more than half a century, we have continued longitudinal cohort study for former workers of Ohkuno-jima poison gas factory and have presented numerous reports.
(Endocrinology and Diabetic Medicine) ※Find more information for contents
1. Medical Survey of Japanese-Americans: "The Hawaii-Los Angeles-Hiroshima Study"
Since 1970, we have been conducting an epidemiological study titled "The Hawaii-Los Angeles-Hiroshima Study," which involves two populations of Japanese people without any differences in genetic predisposition but who live under different environmental factors: the group of Japanese-Americans who have acquired an American lifestyle and the group of native Japanese living in Hiroshima following the Japanese lifestyle. By comparing the medical survey data between these two groups, we have previously reported on the influence of westernization of lifestyle on the features of illness among Japanese people.
2.Adrenal insufficiency
We are conducting research related to the synthesis and secretion of ACTH and cortisol, hormones necessary for survival.
3.Brown fat and systemic metabolism
We are investigating the developmental mechanisms of brown adipocytes using in vitro and in vivo models. Additionally, we are clinically studying the metabolic function of human brown adipose tissue, particularly in patients with pheochromocytoma or hyperthyroidism. Our goal is to apply the knowledge gained from these studies to develop novel treatments for metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
4.A telemedicine system for diabetes utilizing IoT and ICT:
A novel network system utilizing IoT and ICT has been developed to provide high-quality diabetes care to patients living in areas without access to diabetes specialists. Our goal is to provide high-quality diabetes treatment throughout Hiroshima prefecture.
【Photo explanation】Clinical and radiological conferences for young doctors held twice or more a year.
【Photo explanation】Medical stuffs of the “Medical Survey of Japanese-Americans in Hawaii, Los Angeles and Hiroshima” in front of the Hiroshima Kenjinkaikan, at Los Angeles.