Physical Analysis and Therapeutic Sciences

Prof. Hironobu Hamada

【Research Keyword】
chronic pulmonary disease、elderly、physical function、physical activity、cough peak flow、pulmonary rehabilitation

【Recent highlights】
We conduct research related to exercise for improving physical function and activity of the chronic pulmonary disease patients and elderly. We also perform research to clarify effect of physical functions and environmental factors on cough peak flow. We would like to contribute to improving of quality of life of chronic pulmonary disease patients and of healthy life expectancy of elderly.

Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars

Recent progress in medicine and the enhancement of the health care system extended life expectancy, resulting in an unprecedentedly aging society. Along with the aging of the population, there is an increase in the number of patients with internal diseases such as pulmonary and heart diseases; the rehabilitation for these patients has become more important.
In our laboratory, we conduct research and education related to exercise for improving the health status of the elderly, as well as rehabilitation of patients with internal diseases focusing on response of respiration and circulation, immunological function, and oxidative stress during exercise.

1.Evaluation of physical function and physical activity of chronic pulmonary disease patients and elderly
2.Evaluation of effect of physical functions and environmental factors on cough peak flow
3.Evaluation of oxidative stress induced by pulmonary rehabilitation
4.Establishment of exercise therapy for chronic pulmonary disease patients focusing on improvement of immunological functions

【Photo explanation】Students and post graduate students conduct research related to exercise.

【Photo explanation】Students and post graduate students conduct research related to exercise.
