General Medicine

Prof. Masanori Ito

【Research Keyword】
Metabolic syndrome, Lifestyle-related diseases, Obesity, Medical big data, Medical education, Probiotics, Helicobacter pylori infection

【Recent highlights】
・Establishment of Hiroshima Center of General Medicine (
・Publication of basic research papers (J Gastroenterol Hepatol, J Pathol, Nutrients)
・Publication of clinical research papers (BMC Geriatr, J Infect, J Am Med Dir Assoc)
・Publication of case report papers(Lancet, Mayo Clin Proc, Intern Med)

Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars

Communication Skill, General Internal Medicine, Symptomatic Diagnostics, Clinical Practice, Health Administration and Medical Management, OSCE(Medical Interviews)

Basic research: Pathophysiology of life style-related disease and metabolic syndrome focusing on adipose tissue.
Epidemiological research: Medical big data, medical education, and disaster medicine.
Clinical research: Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer.
