Overview of the Program


Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Management Studies


Doctorate (Master's: 2 years; Doctorate: 3 years)


Higashi Senda Campus:
1-1-89 Higashi Senda-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, 730-0053, JAPAN

Class Format

Tuesday through Friday: 18:00-21:10 (2 periods)
Saturday: 11:00-18:25 (4 periods)
No classes in principle on Sundays, Mondays and holidays.

  • Intensive courses will be held during the summer vacation in order to expedite to obtain credits.

  • Students take part in Master's and Doctorate courses with the approval of their tutors, which helps improving students' ability to conduct in-depth research in their specialist fields.

  • In order to ensure theses are strong on content, two assistant tutors will offer students advice in addition to the main tutor when writing theses.


Full-time faculty: professors (two visiting), associate professors(as of April 2014).

In addition to full-time faculty, there are a number of research fellows and practitioners in a range of fields serving as part-time instructors based on long experience in the front line of their respective areas.

Number of Enrolled Students

  Master's course Doctoral course
Academic year Enrolled students/

Enrolled students/

2006 23 1
2007 14 2
2008 9 7
2009 26 4
2010 20 3
2011 17 7
2012 17 4
2013 19 2

