International quality assurance of education

We provide an internationally-viable and quality-assured education.

Guarantee of a quality education by SERU

Hiroshima University is a member of an international consortium of research universities, SERU (Student Experience in the Research University).
SERU conducts a student experience survey every year for the purpose of better understanding students' experiences and education. Hiroshima University has implemented a survey for undergraduate students in AY2016. By collaborating with SERU, Hiroshima University can confirm its own place with top level international research universities, voluntarily making improvements and providing internationally-viable education. Furthermore, the University took an active role in SERU to start a peer review and evaluation project, and the undergraduate education programs offered by the University are evaluated by SERU Team of Experts.

SERU Consortium members

  • United States
    University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Marced, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz); Rutgers University; University of Florida; University of Kansas; University of Michigan; University of Minnesota; University of Oregon; University of Pittsburgh; University of Southern California; University of North Carolina; University of Virginia; University of Texas; Texas A&M University; University of Iowa; Purdue University; University of Washington; Michigan State University; University of Connecticut**; University of Delaware
  • Canada
    University of Tronto
  • Brazil
    State University of Campinas*
  • Japan
    Osaka University; Hiroshima University
  • China
    Hunan University; Nanjing University; Xi'an Jiaotong University; Tongji University
  • Russia
    National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • UK
    University of Bristol* ; University of Oxford*; Lancaster University
  • Holland
    Amsterdam University College; Utrecht University**
  • Sweden
    Lund University
  • South Africa
    University of Cape Town*
  • Germany
    Universität Bremen; Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; University of Freiburg
  • Singapore
    National University of Singapore**
  • New Zealand
    Victoria University of Wellington

   *SERU Associate Campuses not currently administering SERU survey
   **Campuses planning on joinning in 2018
