第17巻 第1号
1―16 Andrey KALUGIN / Satoru KOMATSU / Shinji KANEKO
Why are environmentally aware citizens unwilling to support drinking water quality improvements? Evidence from Kemerovo, Russia
17―30 Achmad Yasir Baeda
Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Potential in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia
31―50 Alex Sivalie MBAYO
The Consequences of Women's Marginalization and Exclusion from Peace Processes on Sustainable Peacebuilding in Africa : An
Examination of the Sierra Leone case
51―69 Yoshiaki FURUZAWA
Two Police Reforms in Kenya : Their Implications for Police Reform Policy
71―88 ガリエーゴ・ニーニャ
89―102 Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul MUZAYYANAH / Keshav Lall MAHARJAN
Socioeconomic Determinant of Livestock Products Consumption in Urban and Rural Java, Indonesia
103―112 Niraj Prakash JOSHI / Keshav Lall MAHARJAN / Luni PIYA
Production Economics of Rice in Different Development Regions of Nepal
113―135 Luni PIYA / Keshav Lall MAHARJAN / Niraj Prakash JOSHI
Forest and Food Security of Indigenous People : A Case of Chepangs in Nepal
137―153 裴 麗
介詞“对”と複合格助詞「に対して」 : 「客体」を表す用法を中心に
155―166 Nayani Melegoda
Return to Normalcy : New Directions for Positive Peace in Sri Lanka
167―184 藤村 昭子
ネパール農村におけるリプロダクティブ・ヘルス・ライツの研究 : チャンピVDC, ワード3, 8の事例から
第17巻 第2号
1―10 Das Asim
Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Mainstream Primary Education of Bangladesh
Study of Economic Growth in Thai Economy
31―51 Vatthanamixay CHANSOMPHOU / Masaru ICHIHASHI
Foreign Direct Investment, Real Exchange Rate Misalignment, and Export Performance of Lao PDR
53―73 Rudy RAHMADDI / Masaru ICHIHASHI
Exports and Economic Growth in Indonesia : A Causality Approach based on Multi-Variate Error Correction Model
75―98 Shams, Shamsul HADI / Yuji UESUGI
Analyzing the Underlying Causes of the Afghan Intrastate Armed Conflict through the Lens of three Insurrection Approaches
99―113 Luni PIYA / Keshav Lall MAHARJAN / Niraj Prakash JOSHI
Livelihood Strategies of Indigenous Nationalities in Nepal : A Case of Chepangs
115―127 Boga Thura MANATSHA / Keshav Lall MAHARJAN
Local Governance Institutions and Land Reform in the North East District of Botswana
129―143 奥田 尚甲
看護師国家試験の語彙の様相 : 日本語能力試験出題基準語彙表との比較から
145―157 Toku SAKAI
The Impact of the U.S. Military Presence on the Japanese Mainland : A Case Study of the Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni
159―181 Adi Prasetyo / Takao Yamashita
Numerical Study on Atmospheric, Hydrological and Coastal Circulation in Coastal City, Semarang Indonesia
第17巻 第3号
1―10 Takao YAMASHITA
Preface to special issue on “Renewable Energy”
11―27 Johann KOINEGG
Overview of the progress in photovoltaic sector in Europe
29―44 Han Soo LEE
Ocean renewable energy : Tidal power in the Yellow Sea
45―60 Marco CINELLI
Analysis of Feed-in and Tradable Green Certificates (TGC) support mechanisms for renewable energy in Europe
61―69 Tetsu KUBOTA / Sangwoo JEONG / Doris Hooi Chyee TOE / Dilshan Remaz OSSEN
Energy Consumption and Air-Conditioning Usage in Residential Buildings of Malaysia
71―81 Osamu HIGASHI / Hiroaki SHIRAKAWA
International Cooperation for Building Low-Carbon and Water-Saving Society : Case Study of Japan and China
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