For International Applicants (FAQ)

Here are some frequently asked questions for international Applicants. Please see below for the relevant information.

Q1: I’d like to join the International Dental Course (IDC).


We are afraid that the IDC is provided for the students from each one university of Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia that have academic exchange agreements with us.

Q2: How can I enroll in the undergraduate program of School of Dentistry?


You have to take the two steps to enter the School of Dentistry.
First, there are two types of primary examinations : one is the General Entrance Examination, which is the same exam as Japanese students take, and the other is the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU), which is administrated only to the international students by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO ).
After taking one of them, you need to take the exam which is administrated by School of Dentistry.
All the exams are conducted in Japanese, and applicants are required to have as adequate Japanese language abilities as ordinary Japanese students.
This is because liberal-arts educations and some specialized subects are offered in Japanese.
See the following websites for admission guide. (Japanese only)



International Office, Kasumi Campus Management Support Office, Hiroshima University
TEL +81-82-257-1705
E-mail kasumi-kokusai(AT) (Please replace (AT) with @)
