量子情報生命科学国際プロジェクト研究センター レクチャー 量子情報ミニマム 3


講師:森越文明 氏 


日時:2006年3月22日 16:00−17:30

場所:総合科学部 J201

Title: [Tutorial] Introduction to the Shannon entropy and some>applications in quantum theory



In this tutorial talk, I will give a lecture on the Shannon entropy at

an elementary level. The aim of this talk is twofold: First, it is

intended as an introduction to my research seminar "Information-theoretic

temporal Bell inequality and quantum computation." Second, this tutorial talk

is prepared for those who are interested in the notion of information and its

use in quantum theory. Hence, it is going to be a self-contained lecture as

well as an introduction to my seminar. After introducing the notion of

(classical) information in terms of the Shannon entropy, I will mention

information-theoretic versions of the Bell inequality.
