量子情報生命科学国際プロジェクト研究センター 第7回MILqセミナー



講演者:森越文明氏 量子情報生命客員研究員NTT物性科学基礎研究所 

日時:2006年3月24日 10:30-12:00

場所:総合科学部 J201

Title: Information-theoretic temporal Bell inequality and quantum computation



In this talk, I will formulate an information-theoretic temporal Bell inequality to contrast classical and quantum computations. Any classical algorithm satisfies the inequality, while quantum ones can violate it.

Therefore, the violation of the inequality is an immediate consequence >of the quantumness in the computation. Furthermore, this approach suggests another counterintuitive interpretation of quantum computation complementary to the conventional view of quantum parallelism.
