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Date & Time: November. 22, 2023
Commentary: Yukihiko MATSUMURA
Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
Lecture: Kazuhiro MOCHIZUKI
Academic-Environment Social Governance Science and Technology Research Center, Professor (Special Appointment), Hiroshima University
“Biomass utilization and carbon cycle / carbon recycling”
The growth of biomass, due to the fixation of CO2, is an important component in the carbon cycle. On the other hand, carbon recycling is a mechanism to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by reusing separated and recovered CO2 as organic substances, i.e., chemical feedstock and fuels. It can be the cyclical use of carbon within human society. In this presentation, the biomass utilization is discussed from the viewpoints of carbon cycle and carbon recycling, respectively.
Lecture: Takashi ENDO
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor, Collaborative Research Laboratory, Hiroshima University
“Nanocellulose applicable from materials to energy”
Nanocellulose produced from plants such as wood is ultrafine fibers with a width of 100 nm or less. Nanocellulose has high physical properties such as high strength, high elasticity, and special viscosity, and the development of high-performance materials by compounding with resins, rubbers, etc. is being vigorously pursued by utilizing these characteristics. In addition, it has a large surface area, high reactivity and adsorption of substances, and high enzymatic saccharification. This characteristic is also effective as a pretreatment in bioethanol production.
Chair: Yukihiko MATSUMURA Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
HOSTY Association (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)