Innovation & Precision Dentistry(Center for Oral Clinical Examination)

Prof. Mikihito Kajiya

【Research Keyword】
Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Multipotent Stem Cells, 3D culture, Cell therapy, Oral diagnostic markers, Precision Medicine

【Recent highlights】
The oral cavity is an organ located at the forefront of the gastrointestinal tract, which is prone to inflammatory tissue destruction and tumorigenesis due to exposure to bacterial infection, chemical and thermal stimuli, and traumatic forces. To treat such irreversible tissue defective oral diseases, we are developing cellular constructs by using stem cells and 3D culture. Besides, we will identify novel biomarkers that can diagnose not only the disease condition but also the response to treatment and thereby provide optimal treatment for each individual patient.

Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars

There is no promising regenerative therapy for severe periodontitis or jaw bone loss associated with tumor removal. Besides, scientific endeavors to establish reliable therapy for intractable oral diseases such as gland atrophy, mucositis, and osteonecrosis of the jaw caused by autoimmune diseases, anticancer drugs, and radiation therapy, stand still. On the other hand, very recently, we can employ stem cells, next-generation sequencers, gene editing, 3D printers, and AI. Accordingly, due to this scientific progress, we can now theoretically generate promising regenerative medicine for any disease.
Based on these facts, we will foster young dentists who can understand the pathophysiology of intractable oral diseases, establish their solutions by making full use of next-generation science and technology, and apply them to clinical practice.

We will develop novel stem cell-based therapies for intractable oral diseases with no effective treatments to date. Furthermore, we aim to establish diagnostic markers that can reflect the differences in an oral condition due to environmental and genetic factors in each patient, and thereby provide optimal therapy for each individual.

  1. Developing the promising tissue regenerative therapy using stem cells and 3D culture techniques.
  2. Establish a novel culture system that can mimic the oral cavity using 3D cell constructs and micro-devices.
  3. Identify novel biomarkers that can predict the degree of oral diseases and response to treatment for each patient, and develop an optimal therapy.
