Special Care Dentistry

Prof. Yoshiyuki Okada

【Research Keyword】
Aging and developmental adaptation, Disease prevention and control, Central cardiovascular control, Congenital heart defects, Muscle sympathetic nerve activity

【Recent highlights】
My laboratory is interested in examining the cardiovascular control system in patients with cardiovascular diseases and congenital heart defects. We particularly focus on central artery stiffness as receptors, and muscle sympathetic nerve activity and left ventricular function as effectors of the system. We are also interested in the changing of the system that occur due to aging, as well as oral inflammations.

Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars

Over a billion of people are living with some form of disability and chronic diseases, and still increasing due to population aging and improvements in medical technologies. Since the rate of adverse events associated with chromosome aberration and aging condition is not small, we learn to provide safe and high-quality dental services for them. Moreover, we can acquire ability to examine and elucidate underlying mechanisms of these problems.


  1. Evaluation of the circulatory systems in patients with cardiovascular and congenital heart diseases.
  2. Effects of vasoconstrictor in local anesthesia on baroreflex sensitivity.
  3. Relationship between central arterial stiffness and periodontal diseases, and the influence on baroreflex sensitivity.
  4. Influences of sleep bruxism in hypoxia on the central cardiovascular control system.
  5. Underlying mechanisms of suppressed pressor responses to pain stimulation by N2O.
  6. Alterations of pulse wave reflection by sedative agents.
  7. Effects of physical training on the oral immunofunction.

【Photo explanation】Baroreceptors in the carotid artery and aorta detect the change of blood pressure and send the information to the blood pressure control center in the brain. Then, efferent signals are sent to the vessels and heart to maintain blood pressure through muscle sympathetic nerve. We evaluate the functions of the central artery and sympathetic nerve by using vascular echography (left side) and microneurography (right side).
