About the Gender Equality Promotion Office

Establishiment of the Gender Equality Promotion Office

The Gender Equality Promotion Office was established on April 1 , 2008.

Mission of the Gender Equality promotion Office

Based upon the Hiroshima University Gender Equality Declaration, the Gender Equality Promotion Office engages in concrete efforts to make Hiroshima University an organization where all members are capable of making the most of their individualities and abilities. To promote gender equality in Hiroshima University,the Gender Equality Promotion Committee has set up a 4-year long(2007-2010)
"Action goal" as well as an "Action plan" to achieve the "Action  goal". Furthermore,with regards to the "Action plan", a list of priority activities has been drawn up for each  year.The Gender Equality Promotion Office provides its support for implementation of the priority activities. The Gender Equality Promotion Office also plays a role as an organization responsible for enforcement of Positive action policy aimed at increasing the number of women among teaching staff.
