In order to encourage students' academic activities and social contribution activities, the Graduate School will award outstanding activities.
Application Procedures
Students who wish to be recommended should submit the following items 1 and 2 to their academic advisor in electronic format.
- Application Form and Candidate Record
- Performance Confirmation Materials
- The acts that can be applied for are limited to those that occurred while the applicant was a student of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
- The application period should not exceed six months from the month following the act worthy of commendation.
The date of each achievement should be written accurately so that it matches the supporting materials to be attached.
Please note that academic conferences and competitions that have not been held as of the date of application cannot be listed. - Applications are accepted at any time, but those received by the end of May, August, November, and February will be reviewed the following month.
- The award does not apply to internal publications such as the "Bulletin of the Graduate School".
- For "Competitions, contests, presentations of works, awards, etc.," if there are preliminary rounds (regional competitions) and final rounds (national competitions) in the same competition, please enter only one of them.
- The award will be presented in the form of a certificate and published on the web page.
1. Application Form and Candidate Record
Fill out the Application Form and Candidate Record (designated form) and name the file as follows.
Name of the applicant: Student Awards (student number, family name)
Guideline for filling out the form
- Date of application
- Student Number (Please enter in half-width characters.)
- Student Affiliation (program, field, discipline, course, etc.)
- Student Name
- Type of acts deserving of commendation (select one that applies)
- ★Acts and facts that are deemed worthy of commendation (Please be specific and concise)
- ★Reasons for being considered worthy of commendation (Describe objectively and concisely so that a non-specialist third party can understand how the facts, etc., that deserve the commendation are outstanding.)
- Name of supervisor, name of program director (If the name of the program director is unknown, do not fill in the form)
★"Acts and facts that are deemed worthy of commendation" and "Reasons for being considered worthy of commendation"
Please include the following information according to the type of acts for which you are applying.
*The date of publication is required.
◎Academic Research Initiatives
○Awards for outstanding presentations at academic conferences
- Name of the conferences where the presentation will be made (Do not abbreviate, but use the official name of the conferences, including "the 0th")
- Title of the presentation (only the subject should be listed, not the subtitle)
- Name of the award for the presentation (Best Presentation Award, Best Poster Award, etc. Please include an explanation of how many people received the award.)
- Single or joint presentation (If you are a co-presenter, please indicate whether you are the first author or not and the number of co-presenters including yourself.)
- Date of presentation
○Papers (Including Online Journals. As a rule, proceedings of conference presentations are not included.)
- Published Journals, etc. (including volume, issue and page number)
- Title of the paper (only the maintitle should be listed, not the subtitle)
- Sole author or co-author (If co-authored, whether you are the first author or not, and the number of co-authors including yourself)
- Date of publication
- Publisher Name
- Title of the book (only the subject should be listed, not the subtitle)
- Sole author or co-author (If co-authored, whether you are the first author or not, and the number of co-authors including yourself)
- Date of first publication
- Method of presentation and publication
◎Cooperation in projects related to the education of the Graduate School
- Project name, etc.
- Business Description
- Indipendent or joint (If joint, whether you are the first author or not, and the number of joint authors including yourself.)
- Period of cooperation
◎Sports, science, culture, and art activities
- Name of the competition, contest, exhibition, award, etc. (Excellent presentation award, grand prize, etc.; also include an explanation of how many people won the award, etc.) Include an explanation of how many people received the award, etc.)
- Name of the work (if it is a work of art)
- Single or joint presentation (In the case of a joint presentation, the number of co-presenters, including the presenter, should also be included.)
- Date of announcement (or award)
◎Social and community contributions
- Activity name, etc.
- Place of activity (prefecture, city, town, etc.)
- Independent or joint activities (In the case of a joint activity, whether you are the principal or not, and the number of joint members including yourself.)
- Period of activity
2.Performance Confirmation Materials
All of the achievements listed in the application form and candidate record should be accompanied by supporting documents.