The inaugural meeting for the Hiroshima University Cambodia Alumni Association was held at a hotel in Phnom Penh City on March 12th, 2016. Approximately 50 members and guests attended this meeting, including President Mitsuo Ochi, Executive and Vice President Dr. Toshiyuki Sato, and Executive and Vice President Dr. Takashi Takata from Hiroshima University.
In his opening speech, President Ochi made the following address. “We hope that the establishment of the HU Cambodia Alumni Association will provide the impetus for friendship between alumni and assistance to prospective students who wish to study at Hiroshima University or in Japan, and serve as a bridge between Japan and Cambodia.”
Following President Ochi’s speech the election for the Association executives commenced. Nith Bunlay (Deputy Director, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, Cambodia), who graduated from the HU Graduate School of Education, was elected as the chairperson of the Association and was presented the “Hiroshima University International Exchange Ambassador” certificate by President Ochi. At the social gathering after the meeting, graduates renewed their friendships by sharing memories of studying abroad and updating one another with their latest news.
Before arriving in Cambodia, President Ochi visited Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) and Yangon (Myanmar) on March 9th and 13th respectively. During his visits there, he presented the “Hiroshima University International Exchange Ambassador” certificate to both HU Vietnam Alumni Association Chairperson Nguyen Tien Luc(Professor, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City) and HU Myanmar Alumni Association Chairperson Kyaw Kyaw Khaung (President, East Yangon University).
Hiroshima University makes strong efforts to maintain relationships with international alumni through its overseas alumni associations. It is hoped that through these associations, the relationships between alumni and their ties with the University will prosper and strengthen the HU international community.

Photo above: Group photo of the Inaugural Meeting for the Hiroshima University Cambodia Alumni Association

Photo above: Presentation of the “Hiroshima University International Exchange Ambassador” certificate (President Ochi and HU Cambodia Alumni Association Chairperson Nith Bunlay)

Photo above: Presentation of the “Hiroshima University International Exchange Ambassador” certificate (HU Vietnam Alumni Association Chairperson Nguyen Tien Luc and President Ochi)

Photo above: Presentation of the “Hiroshima University International Exchange Ambassador” certificate (President Ochi and HU Myanmar Alumni Association Chairperson Kyaw Kyaw Khaung)