Technical Center Holds its AY2020 Training

The 17th Hiroshima University Technical Center Training was held on March 5.

  • Pleae click here for the programme and the presentation materials.
     (* Note: the documents are in Japanese only) 

The Training is held annually to establish a better support system within the Technical Center through sharing information, knowledge, technical skills, and so on among our Center’s staff. 

This year’s theme was "Response to COVID-19” and it was the first time that we used a hybrid mode to deliver the training - at the venue (the Hiroshima University East Library) and online (via Microsoft Teams).  

The opening remarks were made by Prof. Hayakawa, Director of the Technical Center, followed by the keynote lecture, titled “COVID-19 Prevention Measures” given by Assoc. prof. Hiyama of the Health Service Center.  Dr. Hiyama went into depth on topics such as COVID-19 and HU’s Response Manual, followed by a Q&A session on vaccines.

After the lecture, presentations by four of the Technical Center’s staff from each department were given. Each of the presenters showed their effort and strategies in response to COVID-19. 

The closing remarks were made by Mr Yabuki, Chief of the Technical Center, in which he included the announcement of two award winners, as well as three staff who reached retirement age and the introduction of a new employee.

Training under way at East Library 

Assoc. prof. Hiyama giving a keynote lecture 

 A new staff member introducing himself 

 Public Relations Working Group, Hiroshima University Technical Center
    E-mail:kouhou-techc(at)  (Please replace (at) with @)   
