Technical Center Holds its AY2021 Training

Technical Center Holds its AY2021 Training

The 18th Hiroshima University Technical Center Training was held on March 8 at the East Library of the Higashi Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University.

  • Please click here for the programme and the presentation materials.
     (* Note: the documents are in Japanese only) 

The training was held online and used the online conferencing system Zoom and the VR service Hubs, as a new experiment. 

The opening remarks were made by Prof. Hayakawa, Director of the Technical Center, followed by the keynote lecture, titled “Working with mutual trust and peace of mind - prevention of harassment,'' given by Assoc. Professor Kitanaka of the Harassment Consultation Office. She explained how various situations can lead to harassment and how to deal with harassment, with examples. During the Q&A session, there was a lively exchange of views with the participants.

After the lecture, technical staff from each department gave oral presentations introducing their work. 

For the final session, poster presentations in a VR space using Hubs was held. Despite being a first attempt, it was a great success. The session had a large number of participants with active interaction in the VR space, which was different from the interaction seen when using Zoom.

The closing remarks were made by Mr Yabuki, Chief of the Technical Center, in which he introduced the four new employees.


Assoc. prof. Kitanaka giving a keynote lecture

Oral Presentations

Poster Presentation-01 

Poster Presentation-02

 Public Relations Working Group, Hiroshima University Technical Center
    E-mail:kouhou-techc(at)  (Please replace (at) with @)   
