
第1回 海外渡航セミナー




 今井 啓之  山口大学共同獣医学部 助教 (第1期)
 稲垣 舞   徳島大学大学院医歯薬学研究部 助教 (第2期)
 井上 紗綾子 愛媛大学地球深部ダイナミクス研究センター 助教 (第3期)

2023年12月4日に、HIRAKU-Globalプログラム 第1回海外渡航セミナーを開催しました。





  • I can understand what kind of conversations and negotiations are necessary to decide an international collaboration from their experiences.
  • I expect to extract both good and bad points of the present HG project system from today's three presentations/discussion for future improvement of the system.
  • In this seminar, I am glad to hear about how to contact overseas research institutions. That was what I wanted to know most about my own trip.
  • The presentation topics prepared by the HG office were really clear, so it helped me understand the purpose of this seminar and the cohorts' presentation. At the 2nd event, I would also like to hear about their struggles in establishing contact with international researchers and most importantly things to build a connection with researchers (such as Inoue-sensei shared with us today).
  • I liked hearing how they got contact and agreement on their visit. It’s a little surprising that everyone can get off their normal duty for months so it'll be interesting how they can manage those things.
  • 他の先生方がどのようにして海外滞在にいたったのかという経緯を知ることができて大変参考になりました
  • It was insightful to gain an understanding not only of their research, but also of their day-to-day experiences in the locations they visited. For future seminar, it would be appreciated if I could ask about their food experiences during the stay, including whether they grew tired of the local food and if they prepared their own meals.

広島大学 学術・社会連携室
E-mail: hiraku-global*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp  (* は半角の@に置き換えてください)
