Greetings from Hiroshima University (HU), Japan. We would like to thank you for subscribing for the mailing list of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering (ASE-HU).
1.Admission to our Graduate School
We are looking for well-motivated and talented international students to further internationalize and strengthen our research capabilities. Application Guidelines (October 2022 Admission) for our Graduate School (Special Selection for International Students [For Students Living Outside Japan]) will be released in the end of March 2022.
2.Honda Motor Co. president, an HU alum, returns to campus to hold lecture
HU alumnus and Honda Motor Co. President Toshihiro Mibe returned to the university to talk about his student life and his career from being an engineer to becoming the president of one of the biggest car companies in the world.
3.HU holds 15th Homecoming Day and University Festival!
The 15th Hiroshima University Homecoming Day and the 70th Hiroshima University Festival were held at the Higashi-Hiroshima Campus. Many alumni and locals visited us!