Message from the Dean

We aim to nurture professional leaders who contribute to better systemic health by paying strong attention to oral care

The evolution of advanced information technology in the dental care industry cannot be stopped. Pathologies are being analyzed at the genomic level, and corresponding treatments are being developed. In the diagnostic field, AI is also increasingly being used, and there is a demand for dental professionals who can make use of these technological advancements.
Furthermore, the post-Corona era is a time to make use of the experiences of the Corona pandemic. Face-to-face and online duality is being realized worldwide, and the medical and dental fields are no exception. As globalization progresses through these various communication tools, world-standard quality is also demanded in dental care. As Japan faces a super-aging society, the connection between oral health and overall health is rapidly gaining attention.
Hiroshima University nurtures dental professionals who can meet these diverse needs through BioDental education. An international environment where students study together with international students is one of its strong elements. Moreover, there are only few dental faculties in Japan that offer dentistry, oral health science, and oral engineering, which greatly enrich joint classes with valuable interdisciplinary diversity.
Let us excel and soar as pioneers and leaders in the global future of dental care!

Dean, School of Dentistry
Naoya Kakimoto
