3 Policies of Master’s Course

Diploma Policy

 The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences develops academics who can create and propose new values, as well as new knowledge that will be the basis for the society in the future. Students will engage in the study of knowledge for the creation of our future society, and to establish a sustainable and peaceful world. We will award the concerned degree according to the following policy:
 For the first semester of the doctoral program, the graduate school will award either of the following degrees to a student who has acquired the capabilities described below, earned the required credits, and passed the master's thesis examination or conducted an examination in relation to specific research on an issue or passed the qualifying examination for research in the doctoral course according to the research theme and the specialized area: Master of Arts, Master of Laws, Master of Economics, Master of Business Administration, Master of Management Sciences, Master of Education, Master of Psychology, Master of Educational Psychology, Master of International Cooperation Studies, Master of Philosophy.

①  Sophisticated knowledge and a great capacity for research activities, in the areas of human science, social science, and educational science and their related academic areas.
②  Wide and profound knowledge, as well as a broad point of view that is not limited to within a narrow specialized area.
③  The ability to apply sophisticated logical thinking when encountering unfamiliar situations or concepts, and the ability to identify problems based on the assessment of multiple points of view.
④  The willingness and capacity to succeed within a team structure comprised of varied specialists in order to solve a wide array of social problems.
⑤  The upholding of high ethical practices and standards expected of a master degree holder.

Curriculum Policy

 To enable students to achieve the targets that are defined in the diploma policy, the graduate school organizes and executes the education courses according to the following policies for the first semester of the doctoral program:
①  To promote the acquisition of specialized knowledge and abilities, in areas such as linguistics, literature, philosophy, history, sociology, laws, political science, economics, psychology, studies on peace, cultural anthropology, area study, education, subject pedagogy, and Japanese language education, as well as any cross-disciplinary areas and the fusion of any topic, including specialized subjects.
②  Required subjects for the graduate schools are provided to develop wide and deep knowledge and to foster the ambition to create "science for sustainable development.”  Required subjects for this Graduate School are provided to develop a shared point of view and to provide an understanding of the common basis of the study of human science, social science, and educational science. Required subjects for the major course are provided to cultivate a shared point of view and to provide an understanding of that which composes the common basis for each area.
③  To encounter the subjects of expertise in a field other than their own major to obtain a broad point of view, and the ability to think from multiple points of view, students are required to take a class outside their own area of expertise or major.
④  To develop the capability to identify and solve problems from a wide point of view, each student is required to undergo a special research project under the guidance of a supervisor and two or more subadvisors, which includes a member of the faculty whose specialist area is other than that of the supervisor.

Admission Policy

  The Master’s Course of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences is seeking students who have a strong motivation and passion to pursue the following objectives and who have the fundamental academic abilities required to achieve them.

① A person who is motivated to acquire, in addition to a wide range of general knowledge, a high level of knowledge and research skills in the humanities, social sciences, educational sciences and other related fields, and who eventually aims to contribute to creating a “peace science that can lead to sustainable development” from diversified perspectives

② A person who is motivated to acquire, in addition to a wide range of general knowledge, a high level of knowledge and research skills in the humanities, social sciences, educational sciences and other related fields, and who has a willingness to address challenges currently, or potentially in the future, confronting human society in order to contribute to building a global society of diversity, freedom and peace.
