Equipment in the Electrical Workshop: Prototyping Machine

Prototyping Machine 

A dedicated processing machine that can perform processes necessary for producing cut circuits (pattern cutting, through-hole, and external shape) with a single unit. This machine makes it possible to produce desired circuitry with high quality in a short time.

Name Company/Model Number Specifications Image
MITS Electronics

Auto Lab

1 Minimum Pattern Width: 0.1mm
Minimum Milling Width: 0.1 mm
Working Area(X×Y×Z): 229 x 300 x 45mm
Drilling: 0.2~3.175mm
Spindle Speed: 5,000~62,000min-1
Maximum Thickness of Processed Material: 30mm

Other Equipment in the Electrical Workshop

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Equipment List  
3D printer  Prototyping Machine  Measuring Instrument Signal Generator/

Power Supply
Other Tools
