
With the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games imminent,
let us think about the future of our society.

Mitsuo Ochi


 広島の明るい話題といえば、広島東洋カープがリーグ2連覇を成し遂げたことでしょうか 。

 昨年大学はRU(研究大学強化促進事業)評価、SGU(スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業)評価と追い立てられ、私自身も気が休まる時がありませんでした。評価が良くないと心が折れそうになりますが 、そんな中で気持ちを前向きにしてくれるのがスポーツや芸術の力ではないかと思います。







Happy New Year.

First of all, I would like to highlight the uplifting nature of the Hiroshima Carp baseball  team’s win of its second straight Central League championship.

Last year, I hardly had time to breathe, because Hiroshima University had to go through one evaluation after another (for example, the evaluation of the program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities and the Top Global University project). When an evaluation result is rather poor, it can be easy to succumb to the negative pressure. However, at such time, the power of sports or arts can help us to stay in a positive frame of mind.

In two years’ time, both the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics will be held in Tokyo. Many competitors and citizens from more than 160 countries will take part in the events, which comprise the 2 largest peace-promoting festivals in the world. As a university with the guiding principle of ‵‵pursuing peace, "Hiroshima University offers its ardent support to these two important events.

At the time of the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics, the local shops in the nearby streets including the local supermarkets near the athletes’ village lowered the height of their store shelves to make them wheelchair friendly. I heard that the cobbled streets of London, essential for creating an historical townscape, were paved flat around the Olympic site.

Nevertheless, the historical ambience was maintained. Also, I heard  that  they reorganized sports facilities at the local community centers and  universities, so that people with disabilities and able-bodied persons could start to enjoy playing sports together.

Making the most of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics means that we need to imagine what kind of society we would like to have in ten years’ and one hundred years’ time.

Universities also should take this opportunity to start contemplating their future roles and the direction to be taken.

In April this year, the School of Informatics and Data Science as well as the Department of Integrated Global Studies at the School of Integrated Arts and Sciences are to be opened at Hiroshima University. As a result of society having been rapidly highly  informatized  by  AI (Artificial  Intelligence)  and IoT(Internet of Things) in recent years, a lot of information and products are flooding our daily lives. However, one thing has not changed: at the very center lies us human beings.

With all the faculty/administrative members at  Hiroshima University progressing as one, we would like to steer a course to equip all HU students with information security knowledge and skills for international communication, so as to enable all of them to spread their wings around the world  as ‵‵peace-pursuing, cultured individuals with an international mindset and a challenging spirit." I am ounting on your continuing support.
