
Rain or Shine, there is a meaning to your life

Mitsuo Ochi

 「その〝何か〟や〝誰か〟のために、あなたにもできることがある」(諸富祥彦『フランクル 夜と霧』NHK出版による)

Whilst people are getting on with their lives as best they can, the fact that there is no clear end in sight to the COVID-19 catastrophe means that many people are at breaking point. It has been an enduring year, including for Hiroshima University (HU), as we have been forced to implement a no-entry-to-campus policy for a considerably long time.
In his work ‘Man's Search for Meaning,’ Viktor Frankl wrote about his experiences at Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. Some of the essential messages of Frankl are summarized in the writings of Yoshihiko Morotomi as follows:
‘No matter what happens, your life has a purpose and meaning.’
‘There is always someone waiting for you, just as there is always something waiting for you.’
‘There is also something that you can do for that someone and something.’
Source: ‘Frankl---Yoru to Kiri (Man's Search for Meaning)’ by Yoshihiko Morotomi (NHK publishing, Inc.)
I believe that this message sheds light on how we should live our daily lives in this era of the COVID-19 pandemic because surviving the seemingly hopeless situation in the camp caused Frankl to express those words.
One day, quite unexpectedly I received an e-mail from Ryo Uchida, a HU student at the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, who specializes in peace-building strategies. The e-mail stated that, with the help of one of the major cosmetic companies in Japan, Mr. Uchida successfully launched an NPO in Sri Lanka (an island country in South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean), which is engaged in peace-building activities.
In Sri Lanka, the civil war that had lasted more than 20 years finally came to an end in 2009. However, due to differences in ethnic and religious causes, the social divisions in Sri Lanka have continued to get worse. Mr. Uchida, who once studied at the University of Colombo, managed to establish the NPO with the institutional help of the Government of Sri Lanka, the local municipal government, local universities, and physicians. As the northern region of the country was the main battlefield of the civil war, Mr. Uchida together with Mr. Yoshinari Kajishita from the same graduate school at HU, decided to focus on this region to build an environment where local people’s employment can be generated and sustained by planting and growing useful plants that are unique to Sri Lanka.
As you are aware, HU was established on the land of Hiroshima, which had been destroyed by the atomic bomb, with the founding principle of ‘a single unified university, free and pursuing peace.’ Since having been inaugurated as the President of HU, I have been flying the flag to ‘cultivate peace-pursuing, cultured individuals with an international mindset and a challenging spirit’ for the university.
The e-mail from Mr. Uchida described above also stated, ‘By making use of the knowledge that I have acquired at HU, I would like to contribute, in any small way, towards realizing peace in Sri Lanka by continuing my research on peacebuilding and committing myself to hands-on activities there.’
In the face of the current global predicament, their actions are timely and highly called for. I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to these two students who have made an important first step in their project. Likewise, I sincerely hope that both alumni and current students of HU will spread their wings across the world with their heads held high.
