(2020.3.23) Policy regarding the classes of the 2020 Spring Semester (1st and 2nd term)

Hiroshima University’s Policy on the classes of the 2020 Spring Semester (1st and 2nd term).  

*The class will start on April 8, 2020.  

(2020.3.23) 2020年度 第1、第2タームの授業等の実施に関する方針 



[To the new and current HU students]  

In light of the current situation concerning the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Japan, HU is aware that there is a growing concern regarding the start of the 2020 Spring Semester (1st and 2nd term). At HU, the health and safety of our students, faculty and administrative members are our top priority. Therefore, to provide the best learning opportunities and maintain the educational and research activities of the university, several guidance sessions, and classes from April will be implemented as follows. 

※Please note that the following schedule may be subject to postponement should there be a drastic change in the circumstances regarding the spread of the coronavirus infections from this point of time onwards. If that were to happen, we would promptly notify them on HU's website. 

Guidance for new students 

  • A guidance session for new students will be provided at the time and date specified by each School/ Graduate School. The schedule and content of the session may be different from the one described in the “New Student Guide” which was previously distributed to students. Please check the latest information on each School/Graduate School’s website. Regarding the medical examinations, you are kindly asked to check the Health Service Center's webpage
  • If you have any symptoms such as fever or cough, please refrain from participating in the guidance session or health examinations. Instead, please contact the School/Graduate School of your affiliation

Regarding classes 

  • This year's Spring Semester (1st term) will start on April 8 (Wed) as scheduled. 
  • HU will actively promote remote learning and on-demand classes by using the online learning support system (Bb9) and ICT equipment. 
  • Regarding in-person classes, HU will maintain a safe learning environment by taking the following measures: hold lectures in larger rooms (according to the number of students), conduct classes every other week to reduce the number of students taking a class at the same time, and also assure the frequent ventilation of classrooms. 
  • If you have any symptoms such as fever or cough, please refrain from going to classes/lectures; instead, contact the professor in charge by e-mail (Except when attending online classes). If a student had to be absent from classes, he/she shall be provided with backup measures (i.e. assignments or reports) by HU as the university thinks these constitute unforeseen circumstances, and hence the student in question should not suffer any detrimental treatment by the system. 
  • Class details will be announced on Momiji (HU’s student platform). To use Momiji, you will need your student number and password which is provided during the student guidance session. 
  • Since changing the class format and preparing online classes might take some time, the class completion for the 1st term may be extended one week (from June 9 (Tue) to June 15 (Mon). The 2nd term will start on June 16 (Tue) and end on August 13 (Thu). 

Regarding the Health Examination 

  • The latest schedule and general instructions regarding the health examinations will be posted on the Health Service Center’s website. As for new students, please note that the schedule has been changed from the original materials distributed in advance (i.e. "New Student Guide" for undergraduate students and the schedule enclosed in the acceptance letter for graduate students). If you are currently an HU student, please check Momiji for more information. 

How to prevent infections 

  • Please ensure adequate nutrition and sleep. Check your health status every day (daily temperature, presence of any respiratory symptoms, etc.). 
  • You are advised to practice regular hand washing and appropriate coughing etiquette (i.e. always wear a mask). 
  • If you have a fever or experience respiratory symptoms, please refrain from coming to the university and rest at home. 
  • If you have any of the following symptoms, consult the nearest "Center for Japanese Returnees and Potential Contacts" (Hiroshima Prefecture: Coronavirus Help Desk [Public Health Center]) 
  • A rough guide as to when to seek advice from the help desk: 
  • (1)Those who have been with cold symptoms or with a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, for more than 4 days (the same will apply for those who have had to be on antipyretics or fever-reducing medicine for more than 4 days). 
  • (2)Those who are with severe drowsiness (malaise) or difficulty in breathing (dyspnea). 
  • When attending in-person classes or eating/drinking in the cafeteria, please make sure to keep a distance from other people sitting around you. 
  • Avoid being in direct contact with others and talking face-to-face in closed spaces with poor ventilation. 

To the new and current HU students who cannot enter Japan 

There is a sense of anxiety arising from the fact that many students will not be able to enter or return to Japan in April. HU is currently considering ways to minimize the disadvantages for students in this situation and will respond accordingly. If you have any concerns, please contact the School/Graduate School of your affiliation


Hiroshima University, Education Promotion Group  

E-mail: gsyugakukm-group*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @) 

Date : 2020/03/23 

(2020.3.23) 2020年度 第1、第2タームの授業等の実施に関する方針 





  • 新入生対象のガイダンスは、各学部・研究科が指定する日時、方法で実施します。事前に配布した「入学生の手引」の記載からは、日程や内容の変更がありますので、最新の情報を各学部・研究科のホームページで確認してください。健康診断については保健管理センターのページをご覧ください。 
  • 発熱や咳等の症状がある場合には、ガイダンスや健康診断に無理に参加せず、まず学部・研究科の担当窓口(こちらをクリック)に連絡してください。 


  • 授業開始日は、予定通り4月8日(水)とします。 
  • 広島大学で運用するオンライン学習支援システム(Bb9)やICT機器を利用して、遠隔授業、オンデマンド授業などを積極的に推進し、最大限活用します。 
  • 対面授業においても、受講者数に応じて大きな講義室に変更する、同時に受講する学生数を減らすため隔週で実施する、教室の換気を頻繁に行うなど、安全な学習環境の維持に必要な措置を取ります。 
  • 発熱、咳等の症状がある場合は、授業担当教員にメール等で連絡の上、欠席してください(オンライン授業に自宅等から参加する場合を除く)。欠席した場合でも、課題やレポートによる指導等の代替措置により、欠席扱いとならないように対応します。 
  • 各授業の実施に関する詳細は、広島大学の「もみじ」(広島大学の学生向け情報提供システム)等でお知らせします。「もみじ」の利用には、ガイダンスで配布する学生番号とパスワードが必要となります。 
  • オンライン授業の準備や授業形式の変更の影響などで、授業の終了が1週間程度遅れる場合があります。そのため、第1タームの最後に予備日(6/9(火)から6/15(月)まで)を設けます。また、第2タームの開始日が6/16(火)、終了日が8/13(木)となります。 


  • 保健管理センターのページに最新の日程と注意事項を掲載します。新入生の方は事前に配布した資料(学部生:「入学生の手引」大学院生:合格通知に同封した日程)から日程が変更になっています。在学生の方は「もみじ」も確認してください。 


  • 十分な栄養、睡眠を確保し、毎日の体温測定など、適切な健康管理を行ってください。 
  • 手洗いの励行、マスクの着用、咳エチケットなどに十分留意してください。 
  • 発熱、咳等の風邪症状がある場合は、大学に登校せず自宅等で静養してください。 
  • 次の症状がある場合は最寄りの「帰国者・接触者相談センター」(広島県:新型コロナウイルス相談窓口[保健所])に相談してください。 
    (1)風邪症状や 37.5 度以上の発熱が 4日以上続く場合(解熱剤を飲み続けなければならない方も同様) 
  • 対面授業への参加時や食堂等での飲食時に、1つおきに着席するなど隣の人との距離を確保してください。 
  • 換気が悪く密閉された空間に密集して、会話や発声をするような活動は極力避けてください。 





E-mail: gsyugakukm-group*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (注: *は半角@に置き換えてください) 

掲載日 : 2020年03月23日 
