Educational Purposes and Aims of the School of Science

Educational Purposes

Hiroshima University’s School of Science has established the following educational and research philosophy and purposes, based on the University’s five guiding principles: (1) the Pursuit of Peace, (2) the Creation of New Forms of Knowledge, (3) the Nurturing of Well-Rounded Human Beings, (4) Collaboration with the Local, Regional, and International Community, and (5) Continuous Self-Development. 

The purpose of science is to search for the truth of nature. We believe that this promotes the creation of intellectual culture, eventually contributing to human progress.

Since the founding in 1929 of Hiroshima University of Literature and Science, a predecessor of Hiroshima University, we at Hiroshima University’s Faculty of Science have aimed to play a leading role in international academic research, by aggressively pursuing specialized research in various fields of science and promoting leading-edge scientific research. We also seek to provide undergraduate and graduate education with a focus on developing creativity based on the research results obtained and a respect for nature and life. In the undergraduate program, we are committed to developing human resources equipped with a basic knowledge of the natural sciences, a high level of intellectual curiosity to pursue truth, and the ability to take a holistic approach based on a broad range of relevant general knowledge. 

Specifically, we aim to foster:

-     Human resources equipped with the ability to pursue research in graduate school with a more creative and inquiring mind;

-     Human resources with a high level of ability to explore the frontiers of science and technology; and

-     Human resources aspiring to engage in science education. 

To this end, the School of Science has established the following basic policy.

Basic Policy

-     We will provide creativity-based educational opportunities to allow students to develop their qualifications and potential abilities in the area of science.

-     We will offer curriculums that organically integrate a liberal arts education and specialized education, and that ensure consistency and continuity in terms of science education.

-     We will promote students’ awareness and understanding of the fact that the natural sciences have made progress through mutual cooperation with a wide range of other areas, while providing deeper and specialized education in each department.

-     We will nurture the close relationship between undergraduate and graduate education, providing undergraduate students with more opportunities to learn about cutting-edge research, along with basic knowledge, and further stimulating intellectual curiosity.


Educational Aims

The general objective shared by all the departments of the Faculty of Science is to develop students’ understanding that the natural sciences have a large number of important issues that remain unsolved and that a significant contribution can be made to the future of humanity by shedding light on such issues and making good use of research results. To this end, the primary goal of the Faculty of Science is to provide students with the ability to think and make reasonable inferences on their own, using their basic knowledge and skills, as well as the methodologies they have learned.

  • Acceptance of Students

We have established a clear admission policy and announced it inside and outside the University to invite excellent students. We also seek individuals who are highly concerned with a wide range of issues and who have unique characteristics, by conducting general entrance examinations, recommendation-based entrance examinations, and special entrance examinations for working people (Phoenix Program) as well as by introducing a second bachelor’s degree admission system, a transfer admission system, and an inter-departmental transfer system. These examination systems are reviewed and improved on a regular basis so that we can respond to a rapidly changing social environment and meet ever-changing demand.


  • Undergraduate Education

Curriculums for the undergraduate program have been designed to provide systematic education from basic to specialized levels, with due consideration given to incoming students’ levels of knowledge and academic ability. Detailed course information and objectives are made known through guidance and syllabuses so that students can make appropriate course selections. Constant efforts have also been made to ensure an appropriate educational environment and facilities for lectures, experiments, practical work and seminars, and to support students’ self-learning. In class, lecturers pay attention to the level of students’ understanding and assess their academic achievements in an appropriate and fair manner.


  • Graduation Research and Collaboration with Graduate Education

Given the diverse career options available after graduation, broad-based and finely-tuned support will be provided to students. Seminars and graduation research will serve as an opportunity for students to gain insight into the true nature of things and cultivate the patience and persistence necessary to tackle challenges. Undergraduate programs are closely linked to graduate programs so that students have the opportunity to be exposed to cutting-edge science and can enhance their motivation to further pursue their academic careers.


