Applied Biological Science Program

Interdisciplinary education in English for fostering human resources who can work on a global scale

In this program, students learn liberal arts education subjects in English and foreign languages that are common to all schools, and thereby not only lay the foundation for all fields of learning provided by the School of Applied Biological Science, but also acquire language skills that enable them to work on a global scale.

From the second semester in the second year, students learn subjects in extensive fields of learning provided by the School of Applied Biological Science. More specifically, each student takes lecture classes and experiment exercises of major subjects in the Integrative Hydrosphere Science Program, the Applied Animal and Plant Science Program, the Food Science Program and the Molecular Agro-life Science Program, as a curriculum tailored for a major field of each student's choice (packaged major subjects by field), and thereby obtains broad knowledge and skills necessary for the applied biological science and works on a graduation thesis while consulting with an advisor in a specific major field. In the course of this process, students acquire an ability to identify problems, work out solutions, and express the results in English.

Furthermore, students acquire an ability to work on a global scale by taking special lecture classes for exchange students from overseas cooperating schools, lecture classes, practical training and project studies that are provided at overseas cooperating schools (packaged subjects studied at overseas cooperating schools).
