Molecular Agro-life Science Program

To elucidate biotic functions and create state-of-the-art biotechnology

This program aims to clarify sophisticated functions of various living creatures, including microorganisms, plants and animals, using state-of-the-art technologies at the molecular or cellular level of genes and proteins, and apply biotic functions for solving food, medical and environmental problems.

In this program, students can learn necessary knowledge and skills for clarifying biotic functions and significance in nature and developing leading-edge biotechnology, and obtain capabilities to apply such knowledge and skills by (1) elucidating diversified life phenomena of microorganisms, plants and animals, (2) conducting basic studies for development of valuable enzymes, valuable antibodies and anticancer drugs by applying biotic functions, (3) creating valuable transgenic plants and animals using gene recombination technologies and  cellular engineering and (4) learning about chemical substances produced by microorganisms, plants and animals.
