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HIRAKU-PF provides multiple functions to gather, connect with and interact with wide variety of users or resources, to help doctorate students & young researchers get engaged with society in more depth so that they can diversify their career options through networking and new findings. (E.g. ) You can search career events, find internship or open position information, raise career counseling request, etc.
① 12月5日(月)16:30~17:30 国際協力研究科 大会議室 Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Large Conference Room
② 12月8日(木)16:30~17:30先端物質科学研究科 403N講義室 Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, 403N
ノートPCをご持参の上、お近くの会場にお越しください。Please come and join us with your laptop!