未来博士3分間 コンペティション2018 挑戦者大募集!/ HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2018 Call for Presenters

<<English message follows>> 


 ○大会情報URL / URL for HIRAKU 3MT Competition

○対象 / Eligibility

 日本語部門 (15名程度) 
 英語部門 (15名程度)
 ※ 発表者総数は最大30名程度。併願可。応募多数の場合は,事前選考させていただきます。

○応募方法 (広島大学)



 未来を拓く地方協奏プラットフォーム運営事務局 (広島大学グローバルキャリアデザインセンター内)
 E-Mail: hiraku3m■hiroshima-u.ac.jp ※■は@に変換してください。

 【日時】 2018年9月15日(土)
 【場所】 東広島芸術文化ホール くらら 大ホール(広島県東広島市西条栄町7番19号)
 【参加費】 無料
  6月29日   応募者申込締
  7月31日   発表者決定
  8月10日   事前研修会(広島・山口・徳島会場)※必須
  9月15日   プレゼンテーション


HIRAKU 3MT Competition is exciting opportunity for Ph.D. students to effectively explain their research in limited three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.It aims to develop their presentation and research communication skills, while expecting broader society as audience to deepen positive understanding in doctorate resources/researches.

 ○URL for HIRAKU 3MT Competition


Doctorate Students in any fields at Hiroshima University, Yamaguchi University, Tokushima University, Ehime University, Okayama University, Kagawa University, Gifu University, Kochi University, Shimane University, Tottori University, Naruto University of Education, National Institute of Genetics, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Kochi University of Technology, Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima International University and Ritsumeikan University

○Number of Presenters
 <Japanese Section> (Approx. 15 presenters)
 <English Section> (Approx. 15 presenters)
 Note: Maximum 30 presenters in total.  You can apply to both, but 3MT Opearting Office will choose the section you would present. depending on the number of applicants.  We might have pre-screening in case of excessive number of applicants.

○Registration (Hiroshima University)
Please register your information in the below Application Form.

QR Code for the Application Form
Hiroshima University will hold a preliminary competition for screening.  See below for more details.

○Deadline of the Application
 NOON, June 29, 2018 (FRI)

○Contact Office for Inquiries
 HIRAKU Operating Council Office (Global Career Design Center, Hioshima University)
 E-Mail: hiraku3m■hiroshima-u.ac.jp  (Replace ■ with @.)

○HIRAKU 3MT Competition
 【Date】 September 15, 2018 (SAT)  10:30~17:00
 【Venue】 Higashi Hiroshima Arts & Culture Hall (Kurara) (7-19, Saijo Sakaemachi, Higashi-Hiroshimashi)
 【Participation Fee】 FREE
 【Upcoming Schedule】
  June 29           Application Deadline
  July 31             Presenters to be finalized
  Auguest 19     Pre Training Session(Hiroshima/Yamaguchi/Tokushima)  <<MANDATORY>>
  September 15   HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2018
