未来博士3分間コンペティション2019 プレゼンテーション研修/ HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2019 - Presentation Workshop

(English message follows)



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  • 研究を噛み砕いて重要なエッセンスを抜き出す方法
  • それを効果的に伝えるためのストーリーの組み立て方
  • 相手を惹きつけるプレゼンテーションの仕方(言葉遣い,ジェスチャー,スライドなど)


日 時/場 所/対応言語

○ 2019年6月13日(木) 10:30~12:15/国際協力研究科(IDEC)1階 大会議室 (東広島キャンパス)/日・英

○ 2019年6月13日(木) 16:15~18:00
 ① 生物生産学部 生物生産学部 C314講義室(東広島キャンパス)/日・英
 ② 基礎・社会医学棟2階 セミナー室2 (霞キャンパス)/日・英





トッド・アレン (関西大学外国語学部外国語学科 助教)

略歴: オーストラリアのウェスタンシドニー大学で日本語学・言語学優等課程を修了し,学士課程在籍中には,明治大学に交換留学。2018年にオーストラリアのクイーンズランド大学にて博士課程修了。クイーンズランド大学では,学部および大学院にて,異文化コミュニケーション,言語とテクノロジー,応用言語学,語学研究などの講義を多数担当。



HIRAKU 3MT Competition - Presentation Workshop

“Tell me about your research”: Describing your story effectively

“If you can’t explain [your research] to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself”

                                 - Albert Einstein

Einstein believed that scholars needed to be engaged with the general public, particularly when it came to explaining their research.   Presentation skills are crucial for a successful career post PhD, inside and outside of academia.  This workshop will combine informative and interactive activities for you to learn:

  • Ways to effectively communicate your research;
  • How to narrow down your research and explain the most significant elements;

This is a part of the training sessions for Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which is excellent opportunity for higher degree research students to showcase their research in a time limit of three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience with only a single PowerPoint slide.

Regardless of whether to participate in 3MT competition or not, you can learn more about how to present your research ideas, which includes effective language and body language details, slide design, and handouts designed to help you plan, execute and polish your presentation for public communication.


  • June 13, 2019 (THU) 10:30-12:15 / IDEC 1F Meeting Room (Higashi-Hiroshima Campus) / J&E
  • June 13, 2019 (THU) 16:15-18:00
    ① C314, School of Applied Biological Science (Higashi-Hiroshima Campus) / J&E
    ② Seminar room 2, 2nd floor, Basic and Sociomedical Research Building (Kasumi Campus) / J&E


Click here or access the below QR code to complete your pre-registration.
Due SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2019

(We would request your pre-registration for our preparation purpose.  If you can't make it, you can come and join us on June 13, without pre-registration.) 

QR Code for Pre-registration


Todd Allen, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Foreign Language Studies, Kansai University

Todd completed his Bachelor of Arts at Western Sydney University in Japanese language and linguistics. In 2018, Todd completed his PhD program at the University of Queensland, which kicked off the 3MT competition back in 2008. He has lectured and taught a number of courses at the University of Queensland, which included intercultural communication, language and technology and applied linguistics and language studies, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Currently, as an assistant professor at Kansai University, Todd teaches language, culture and applied linguistics, and researches various topics in pragmatics and the effect of study abroad on intercultural development.
