My main research areas are developmental biology and evolutionary genomics. Using clawed frogs(Xenopus), lancelet, chicken, and mammalian culture cells, I am investigating molecular mechanisms of development, regeneration, and evolution of the brain and sensory organs with a focus on transcriptional and epigenetic gene regulation.
keywords:development, regeneration, evolution, genome, transcriptional regulation, epigenetics, brain, eye, Xenopus
- Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis. Nature, 538: 336-343(2016)
- Evolution of a tissue-specific silencer underlies divergence in the expression of pax2 and pax8 paralogues. Nature Communications 3: 848(2012)
- The genome of the western clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis. Science 328: 633-636(2010).

I am studying the following biological questions: “How do tissues and organs form and mature(develop-ment)?” and “How do failure of tissues and organs occur(carcinogenesis)?”. My research goal is under-standing the common mechanisms and systems underlying these biological phenomena by using bioim-age informatics and machine learning.
keywords:bioimage informatics, medical image, cancer, machine learning
- Leucine/glutamine and v-ATPase/lysosomal acidification via mTORC1activation are required for position-dependent regeneration. Scien-tific Reports(2018).
- Nuclear movement regulated by non-Smad Nodal signaling via JNK is associated with Smad signal transduction during zebrafish endo-derm specification. Development(2017).
- Nipbl and mediator cooperatively regulate gene expression to control limb development. PLOS Genetics(2014).

My research centers around the molecular genetic study of higher plants. I have two projects:(i)Molecular analysis of leaf senescence using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana;(ii)Analysis of natural variation in the genus Chrysanthemum using a model strain as a reference, the whole genome sequence of which we determined recently.
keywords:molecular genetics, Arabidopsis, Chrysanthemum, leaf senescence
- Genetic analysis of chlorophyll synthesis and degradation regulated by BALANCE of CHLOROPHYLL METABOLISM/Plant Physiol./189:431-444(2022)
- A chromosome-level genome sequence of Chrysanthemum seticuspe, a model species for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum /Commun.Biol. /4:1167(2021)
- Mendelʼs green cotyledon gene encodes a positive regulator of the chlorophyll-degrading pathway/Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA/104: 14169-14174(2007)

We aim to understand fundamental mechanisms in plant growth and development. Specifically, we study stem cell dynamics in the meristem using the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha as a model system.
keywords:meristem, stem cell dynamics, plant peptide hormones, Marchantia
- Control of stem cell behavior by CLE-JINGASA signaling in the shoot apical meristem in Marchantia polymorpha. Curr Biol 33: 5121-5131(2023)
- Evolution of meristem zonation by CLE gene duplication in land plants. Nat Plants 8: 735-740(2022)
- Induction of multichotomous branching by CLAVATA peptide in Marchantia polymorpha. Curr Biol 30: 3833-3840(2020)

I study the taxonomy and diversity of bryophytes. My taxonomic specialty is the genus Leucobryum and also conducting research on the diversity of bryophytes in the southern part of Japan, including the Ryukyu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands.
keywords:bryophytes, taxonomy, diversity
- A revision of the genus Leucobryum(Musci)in Asia. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73: 1-123.(1993)
- Filibryum(Hypnaceae), a new moss genus with a new species from East Asia. J. Bryol. 39: 152-160.(2017)
- Bryocrumia vivicolor, new localites in Japan and Taiwan. Bry. Div. Evo. 42: 56-60.(2020)

My interests are gene function and genome differentiation of amphibian species which have diversified ecology. I am studying genome evolution and adaptation on both models(clawed frogs in the genus Xeno-pus)and non-model amphibians by ecology and genomics.
keywords:amphibian, molecular evolution, genome evolution, whole genome sequencing, population genetics
- Fine-scale demographic processes resulting from multiple overseas colonization events of the Japanese stream tree frog, Buergeria japon-ica. J Biogeogr 44: 1586-1597(2017)
- Inbreeding ratio and genetic relationships among strains of the Western clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis. PLoS One 10: e0133963(2015)
- Population structure and landscape genetics of two endangered frog species of genus Odorrana: different scenarios on two islands. He-redity 106: 131-137(2013)

I have been working on molecular biological mechanisms of unique phenomena in marine animals, mainly on the isolation of proteins and genes related to the vanadium accumulation by ascidians, molecular and cell-level research for vanadium accumulation and reduction, and the identification of symbiotic bacteria related to vanadium accumulation.
keywords:vanadium, ascidians, symbiotic bacteria
- Vanadium-binding proteins(vanabins)from a vanadium-rich ascidian Ascidia sydneiensis samea. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1626, 43-50(2003)
- .A novel vanadium transporter of the Nramp family expressed at the vacuole of vanadium-accumulating cells of the ascidian Ascidia sydnei-ensis samea. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1810, 457-464(2011)
- Vanadium accumulation and reduction by vanadium-accumulating bacteria isolated from the intestinal contents of Ciona robusta. Marine Biotech(2024)

We are conducting research on bryophytes from the perspectives of taxonomy, ecology, morphology, and cell biology. Focusing on the diversity of mitotic spindle formation, we are also conducting research on the evolution of cell division mechanisms in land plants.
keywords:bryophytes, Marchantia, hornworts, cell division, cytoskeleton, evolution
- Anthoceros genomes illuminate the origin of land plants and the unique biology of hornworts. Nature Plants 6: 259–272.(2020)
- Marchantia polymorpha; Taxonomy, phylogeny and morphology of a model system. Plant Cell Physiol. 57:230–256.(2016)
- γ-Tubulin in basal land plants: characterization, localization, and implication in the evolution of acentriolar microtubule organizing centers.Plant Cell 16: 45–59.(2004)

We are studying the molecular mechanisms for mesodermal and neural development in the body axis for-mation of vertebrates and for the regulation of stem cells and tissue regeneration. We are particularly inter-ested in the roles of cell signaling mediated by growth factors and downstream transcription factors.
keywords:induction and patterning of mesoderm and neural tissue, tissue regeneration, inducing factors, growth factor signaling
- Coordinated regulation of the dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior patterning of Xenopus embryos by the BTB/POZ zinc finger protein Zbtb14. Dev Growth Differ 60:158-173.(2018)
- .Cdc2-like kinase 2(Clk2)promotes early neural development in Xenopus embryos. Dev Growth Differ 61: 365-377.(2019)
- Injury-induced cooperation of InhibinβA and JunB is essential for cell proliferation in Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration. Sci Rep 14:3679.(2024)

I have been conducting the research on development, regeneration, and evolution of the marine inverte-brate deuterostome, an eneteropneust hemichordate, Ptychodera flava, and an acoel flatworm, Praesagit-tifera naikaiensis. I would like to approach the origin and evolution of chordates and bilaterians by compar-ative analyses using molecular, biological and genome scientific techniques.
keywords:hemichordate, acoel flatworm, Evo-Devo, regeneration, comparative analyses
- Ancestral Stem Cell Reprogramming Genes Active in Hemichordate Regeneration. Front Ecol Evol. 10:769433. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.769433(2022)
- Hemichordate modles, Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev.39:71-78(2016)
- Hemichordate genomes and deuterostome origins, Nature 527(7579)459-465(2015)

My research focuses on plant systematics based on molecular phylogeny, flora and vegetation of coastal areas of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, and phenomena occurring in isolated environments, in particular, on Miyajima Island which is registered as a World Heritage Site, its conservation and impact of phytophagous animals and invasive plants.
keywords:bryophytes, algae, lichen, cryptogams, sea grasses, phytosociology, molecular phylogeny, phytogeography,phenology, allelopathy
- Systematics of the family Pottiaceae(Bryophyta)with special reference to the familial and subfamilial circumscriptions. Hikobia 17: 117-129.(2016)
- On the systematic position of the genus Timmiella(Dicranidae, Bryopsida)and its allied genera, with the description of a new family Tim-miellaceae. Phytotaxa 181: 151–162.(2014)
- Systematic position of the enigmatic liverwort Mizutania(Mizutaniaceae, Marchantiophyta)inferred from molecular phylogenetic analyses.Taxon 59: 448-458.(2010)

I am focusing on the intracellular function of the cytoskeleton. I elucidated the roles of DAPK3 in the regulation of a contractile ring during cytokinesis. I am also studying the abnormal regulation of microtubules by dynamin-2 mutations to understand the mechanism of neuropathy.
keywords:cytoskeleton, cytokinesis, DAPK3, dynamin, microtubules, neuropathy
- Impairment of cytokinesis by cancer-associated DAPK3 mutations. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 533:1095-1101(2020)
- ZIP kinase phosphorylated and activated by Rho kinase/ROCK contributes to cytokinesis in mammalian cultured cells. Exp Cell Res.386:111707.(2020)
- Phosphorylation of myosin II regulatory light chain by ZIP kinase is responsible for cleavage furrow ingression during cell division in mammalian cultured cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 459:686-691.(2015)

Study of signal transduction and biosynthesis of plant hormones using molecular biology, genetics, and biochemical techniques, we study how crosstalk between multiple plant hormones regulates germination,elongation growth, and flowering through the regulation of gene expression and response to the environ-ment.
keywords:plant hormone, gibberellin, signal transduction, transcription factor, flowering, germination, Arabidopsis
- Jasmonate inhibits plant growth and reduces gibberellin levels via microRNA5998 and transcription factor MYC2 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 193: 2197-2214(2023)
- DELLA degradation by gibberellin promotes flowering via GAF1-TPR-dependent repression of floral repressors in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell33: 2258-2272(2021)
- DELLAs function as coactivators of GAI ASSOCIATED FACTOR1 in regulation of GA homeostasis and signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell26: 2920-2938(2014)

Our group is working on an analysis of horizontal gene transfer mediated by type-4 secretion system in bacteria. Through the analysis, we aim to apply it as a gene introduction tool by promoting the transfer,and as a prevention method of the spread of antibiotic resistance genes by blocking it.
keywords:horizontal gene transfer(HGT), type-4 secretion system(T4SS), gene introduction tool, antibiotics resistance gene
- Targeting Antibiotic Resistance Genes Is a Better Approach to Block Acquisition of Antibiotic Resistance Than Blocking Conjugal Transfer by Recipient Cells: A Genome-Wide Screening in Escherichia coli/Front. Microbiol./2020
- Trans-Kingdom Horizontal DNA Transfer from Bacteria to Yeast Is Highly Plastic Due to Natural Polymorphisms in Auxiliary Nonessential Recipient Genes/PLoS ONE/2013
- The complete nucleotide sequence of a plant root-inducing(Ri)plasmid indicates its chimeric structure and evolutionary relationship between tumor-inducing(Ti)and symbiotic(Sym)plasmids in rhizobiaceae/J. Mol. Biol./2001

My current area of interest is comparative genomics among various marine organisms. I focus on differ-ences and/or similarities of the molecular mechanisms associated with morphogenesis. Omics approach-es including genome decoding help our comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the mechanisms.
keywords:comparative genomics, genome assembly, development, evolution
- A siphonous macroalgal genome suggests convergent functions of homeobox genes in algae and land plants / DNA Res 26:183-192 / 2019
- A draft genome assembly of the acoel flatworm Praesagittifera naikaiensis / GigaScience 8:1-8/ 2019
- A draft genome of the brown alga, Cladosiphon okamuranus, S-strain: a platform for future studies of 'mozuku' biology / DNA Res 23:561-570 / 2016

生体外(in vitro)で「3次元的ながん組織」を再構築・モデル化し、画像やオミックスデータを合わせた統合的な解析により、がん悪性化の分子メカニズムの解明や、創薬・診断ツールなどへの応用を目指す。
By reconstructing and modeling "three-dimensional(3D)cancer tissues" in vitro, I aim to understand the molecular mechanisms of cancer malignancy and develop drug discovery or diagnostic tools through integrated analysis combining images and omics data.
keywords:in vitro, 3D, cancer, modeling
- Amphiphilic polymer therapeutics: An alternative platform in the fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria, Biomater. Sci., 9: 2758–2767(2021)
- Anticancer polymers designed for killing dormant prostate cancer cells, Sci. Rep., 9: 1096(2019)
- Visualizing dynamics of angiogenic sprouting from a three-dimensional microvasculature model using stage-top optical coherence tomography, Sci. Rep., 7: 42426(2017)

I study the relationship between amphibian metamorphosis and fish-to-amphibian evolution. Evolution of hind limb development is my major interest.
keywords:amphibian, metamorphosis, land invasion, fish-to-amphibian
- Homeotic transformation of tails into limbs in anurans. Dev Growth Differ 60:365-376.(2018)
- Vitamin A induced homeotic hindlimb formation on dorsal and ventral sides of regenerating tissue of amputated tails of Japanese brown frog tadpoles. Dev Growth Differ 59:688-700.(2017)
- A novel Xenopus laevis larval keratin gene, xlk2: its gene structure and expression during regeneration and metamorphosis of limb and tail.Biochim Biophys Acta 1759:216-24.(2006)

The molecular mechanisms that underlie the variation in plant morphogenesis, with a particular focus on the Brassicaceae and Asteraceae families.
keywords:plant morphogenesis, variation, molecular genetics
- Cell-by-cell dissection of phloem development links a maturation gradient to cell specialization., Science 374: eaba5531(2021)
- Lateral Inhibition by a Peptide Hormone-Receptor Cascade during Arabidopsis Lateral Root Founder Cell Formation., Dev. Cell 48: 64-75(2019)
- Mutations in Plastidial 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Biosynthesis Genes Suppress a Pleiotropic Defect in Shoot Development of a Mitochondrial GABA Shunt Mutant in Arabidopsis., Plant Cell Physiol. 56: 1229-38(2015)

I am studying the mechanisms of amphibian metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is induced by the thyroid hormone. There are two receptors for thyroid hormone, and I have an interest in the differences of their roles and functions. I want to uncover the molecular mechanisms of metamorphosis, especially about tail regression.
keywords:metamorphosis, thyroid hormone, thyroid hormone receptor, tail regression, amphibian, Xenopus tropicalis,gene knockout, CRISPR/Cas9, TALEN
- Comprehensive RNA-Seq analysis of notochord-enriched genes induced during Xenopus tropicalis tail resorption/Gen. Com. Endocri-nol.287: 113349(2020)
- Thyroid Hormone Receptor α– and β–Knockout Xenopus tropicalis Tadpoles Reveal Subtype-Specific Roles During Development/Endo-crinol.159: 733-743.(2018)
- Dual Mechanisms Governing Muscle Cell Death in Tadpole Tail During Amphibian Metamorphosis. Dev. Dyn. 227: 246-255(2003)

I have been studying the regulatory mechanisms that control plant development(especially organ forma-tion and senescence)using a model plant, Arabidopsis. In addition, I also study plant physiology from the point of view of lipid metabolism.
keywords:plant development, lipid metabolism
- Highly pleiotropic functions of CYP78As and AMP1 are regulated in non-cell autonomous/organ-specific manner. Plant Physiol. 186:767–781.(2021)
- Differently localized lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferases crucial for triacylglycerol biosynthesis in the oleaginous alga Nannochloropsis.Plant J. 90:547–559.(2017)
- Synthesis of Very-Long-Chain Fatty Acids in the Epidermis Controls Plant Organ Growth by Restricting Cell Proliferation. PLoS Biol.11:e1001531.(2013)

My research objective is to develop two methods: One is to develop long-term-culturable amphibian organ hearts with high-sensitivity similar to biological level, and the other is new testing technique-development for investigating reaction of various chemicals to the cultured organ heart.
keywords:heart-organ-culture, amphibian, testing technique-development
- Cyclosporin A inhibits thyroid hormone-induced shortening of the tadpole tail through membrane permeability transition, COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 135, pp. 473-483.(2003)
- Do reactive oxygen species underlie the mechanism of apoptosis in the tadpole tail?, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 23, pp. 294-301.(1997)
- Phenolic antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol(vitamin E synthetic analogue)does not inhibit 1,1 '-dimetyl-4,4 '-bipyridium dichloride(paraquat)-induced structural chromosomal damage in cultured leukocytes of the dark-spotted-frog Pelophylax(Rana)nigromaculatus,HEREDITAS, 149, pp. 173-177.(2012)

潮間帯の環境変化によって環境指標動物である軟体動物の巻貝(イボニシ)の生殖活動はどう変化するのか? 動物の生殖活動の調節に重要な役割を担う神経ペプチドの遺伝子発現変動とエピゲノムの関連、神経ペプチドの機能変化という観点から調べています。
How environmental risk affects the reproduction of a marine snail, Reishia clavigera , which is a biomarker in the intertidal zone. I am investigating this issue, focusing on the changes in the expression of neuropeptide precursor gene through epigenome, as well as the changes in the functions of neuropeptides.
keywords:marine snail, neuropeptide, reproduction, mass spectrometry, transcriptome, environmental risk
- Concomitant downregulation of neuropeptide genes in a marine snail with consecutive sexual maturation after a nuclear disaster in Japan.Front. Endocrinol. 14: 1129666, DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1129666(2023)
- Identification of neuropeptides in gastropod mollusks. – Classical and brand-new approaches –. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.,456:012001, DOI: 10.1088/1755- 1315/456/1/012001(2020)
- Physiological Functions of Gastropod Peptides and Neurotransmitters. In: Physiology of Molluscs.(Eds. Saleuddin A.S.M., Mukai S.T.,),Apple Academic Press, Oakville, pp 379-476(2017)