

同サマースクールは、統合生命科学研究科と国際交流協定校を中心とした海外大学の学生や若手研究者がグローバルな視野で知識と技術を共有することを目的に2008年より開催しているもので、15回目となる今年度は、前回同様、各大学から学生と共に教員を招聘することで、実質的な共同研究始動の機会としました。また、サマースクールのテーマを「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)達成のための国際サマースクール in Hiroshima」とし、各国でSDGsを達成するための取り組み、課題などを発表するシンポジウムを9月14日(木)に開催しました。




















  • Excellent. Fantastic. Informative. I must say this is so far the best summer program I have attended in overseas. The hospitality was super great, people are so nice, accommodation was excellent and my stay was really good.
  • I had a very good time and get to make friends from different country as well. I hope this summer school still continues in near future. I'm happy to be a part of this year summer school. Thank you.
  • The International Summer School 2023 was very pleasant, and I am very grateful to have been invited. I give my sincerest gratitude to the committee for their hard work, and I do hope the next International Summer School will be better.
  • It was really very heartwarming experience to bring my students and experience the life, culture and student life in Japan. The laboratories are very interesting and we are hopeful to have them in our university. The teachers were very approachable as well. Overall I will give a 4 stars. the remaining 1 is to extend the number of stay in Japan. hehehe.
  • The International Summer School 2023 was an enriching and enlightening experience, providing valuable insights into various fields of study, fostering cultural exchange, and offering opportunities for hands-on learning. The program offered a diverse range of activities, from laboratory visits to symposiums and cultural interactions, making it a well-rounded educational experience.
  • I feel humbled to be invited to speak at this year’s International Summer School on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Hiroshima, Japan, along with two of my students hosted by the School of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University. It was nice meeting my friends, co-scholars, professors, researchers from different backgrounds, and newly found friends from different parts of the world. My sincere appreciation to Hiroshima University and the Japanese Government through the Japan Science and Technology Agency for allowing me the chance to welcome more possible foreign collaborators to my beloved Capiz State University.
  • To me, the International Summer School 2023 is an event that inspired me to work harder in order to achieve my goals. This Summer School is a key to unlock more potentials from different countries. Keep up the good work and Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu.
  • It was the best experience i had in my life but for the future students it will be better if the summer school was more than a week cause the time was short

