Yamaguchi University launched the Research Center for Advanced Science and Innovation in 2014 with the purpose of promoting researches which utilizes the strengths and characteristics of the University and develops sustainable and comprehensive research activities to an advanced level. The research results are intended to be reverted back to society. The Center consists of the research groups, which promote projects selected by the Center Director and the respective faculties. These research groups are certified by our University President and selected from amongst outstanding representatives and/or exploratory projects. They are then positioned as candidates for future research centers or institutes affiliated with the University, as part of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Innovation.
The Research Center for Yamaguchi Studies also promotes researches on the fields, nature, culture, history, industry, tourism, product distribution, education, etc. of Yamaguchi Prefecture in collaboration with the local community, which includes companies, governments and academia. The results are expected to reinvigorate the local community.

Looking ahead to regional vitalization and globalization, the University has offered unique kinds of education. For example, the “Yamaguchi Frontier Leader” development program initiated as a part of the COC+ (Center of Community Program for Local Revitalization) Project, which was set up by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) with the aim to develop universities as centers of regional regeneration and revitalization by providing university-wide education, outcome from researches and public contributions towards local communities. Yamaguchi University adopted compulsory intellectual property (IP) education and data science in the common curriculum of the freshmen course for all departments including the Faculty of Humanities. The IP education is also one of the most important subjects in the graduate schools.
In April 2015, Yamaguchi University established a new faculty, the Faculty of Global and Science Studies. This faculty is strongly promoting the globalization of the University.
Industry-Academia / Social Collaboration
Yamaguchi University strives to strengthen relations with municipalities and local industries to solve local problems.
For example, Yamaguchi University contracted with Ube Industries, Ltd. for comprehensive cooperation to expand and develop their joint researches and developments, and to make a broad contribution to the region and society since April 2004. Yamaguchi University also partnered with Yamaguchi Prefecture, Yamaguchi City and Shimadzu Corporation to promote researches on reducing the risk of dementia in December 2018. Recently, Yamaguchi University and Marukyu have concluded a comprehensive cooperative agreement in various fields such as prevention of disasters, usage of data science and so on.

Researcher support system and environment (including URA)
To support and activate researches and Industrial-Academic collaborations of Yamaguchi University, the Organization for Research Initiatives has Strategic Planning & Operation Department for Research Initiatives, which possesses a University Research Administrator Office, Research Center for Advanced Science and Innovation, Industrial-Academic-Administrative Collaborative Center, Intellectual Property Center, Science Research Center, and Research Equipment Management Center. The researchers are enjoying state-of-the-art environments to drive forward their unique and advantageous research activities. The Organization supports researchers by promoting collaborative research between the University and industry, winning competitive R&D funds, and creating strong patents.
Researcher Training Initiatives
Yamaguchi University offers special support to competent young researchers and female researchers with the aim of continuous improvement of their research capabilities. As a result, Yamaguchi University qualified as one of the universities for the “Program for Supporting Research Activities of Female Researchers (Organizations)” supported by MEXT. Furthermore, the Diversity Promotion Office was launched in 2014.
Yamaguchi University has been participating in the project, “Home for Innovative Researchers and Academic Knowledge Users”, as one of the co-partner organizations to foster and promote young, competent and innovative researchers through introducing a tenure-track system, long-term internship programs, matching events between interdisciplinary researchers and industries, amongst others.
Yamaguchi University traces its origins back to Yamaguchi Kodo, a private school started in 1815 founded by Hoyo Ueda. We celebrated the 200th anniversary of the foundation in 2015. The local area still holds the challenging spirits of those who carried out the Meiji Revolution. Yamaguchi University has put these values to words in our motto: “Discover it. Nourish it. Realize it. A Place of Wisdom.” We want to contribute to develop Yamaguchi, Japan and the international society through the three fields of education, research, and contribution to society.