2015年度 第12回広島大学ライティングセンターセミナー『明解で説得力のある研究論文を書くワークショップ』を開催しますThe 12th Writing Center Seminar 2015 "How to Write a Clear and Convincing Research Paper for Publication"

ライティングセンターでは、2015年度 第12回広島大学ライティングセンターセミナー『明解で説得力のある研究論文を書くワークショップ』を開催します。参加をご希望の方は、下記の申込フォームからお申込みください。
We are pleased to announce that The 12th Writing Center Seminar 2015 "How to Write a Clear and Convincing Research Paper for Publication" will be held.
* Participants are encouraged to attend the workshop throughout the two days.

申込フォーム Registration : http://www.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/?page_id=7790


■ 第12回ライティングセンターセミナー 『明解で説得力のある研究論文を書くワークショップ』The 12th Writing Center Seminar 2015 "How to Write a Clear and Convincing Research Paper for Publication"

【ワークショップ概要 Outline of the workshop】

This is a special two-day workshop primarily designed for junior researchers, which cover master and doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, assistant professors, and even associate professors. The content of the workshop is extracted from a highly popular graduate course at Nagoya University, "Logical Thinking Skills in Research Writing", which aims to help junior researchers publish their research by developing necessary logical thinking skills for writing clearly and convincingly.
If you have difficulty knowing how to present your research ideas clearly, or if you have difficulty convincing others about the significance of your research, or if you simply have no idea how to start writing a research paper, then this is the workshop for you!!
The workshop will be conducted in English, although participants can also ask questions in Japanese. There will be plenty of group discussions and exercises to facilitate an active learning process. And for this reason, participants are strongly encouraged to interact with the instructor throughout the workshop.

【日 時】 2015年9月10日(木) 13:00~17:00, 9月11日(金) 10:00-16:00
Date: 13:00-17:00, Thursday, September 10, 10:00-16:00, Friday, September 11

【会 場】 中央図書館 ライブラリーホール
Venue: Library Hall, Central Library

【講 師】 ポール ウェイ リン ライ 氏 (名古屋大学教養教育院 専任准教授, Mei-Writing ディレクター)
Presentor: Paul Wai Ling Lai (Director, Mei-Writing / Associate Professor, Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Nagoya University)

【申込み】 申込は終了しました。

【言 語】 英語
Language: English

【対 象】 広島大学の若手研究者 (大学院生も可)
Participants: Junior researchers and graduate students of Hiroshima Univ. * Accepting only the first 50 registrants.

【主 催】 広島大学ライティングセンター
Organaizer: Hiroshima University Writing Center

【共 催】 広島大学人材育成推進室FD部会
Co-organaizer: FD Committee, Human Resource Development Promotion Office in Hiroshima University

スケジュール Schedule

1日目(Day 1) Session1 13:00-15:00
Why logical thinking skills are necessary for research writing

The two-day workshop will begin with an explanation why logical thinking skills are necessary for research writing. The main objective of this session is to clear a common misunderstanding that writing a paper in English is essentially about how to use English properly in the paper. The explanation will use some examples to demonstrate the inadequacy of treating the writing education as merely a language education.

1日目(Day 1) Session2  15:00-17:00
How to develop a clear thesis statement for your research

This session will begin with a one-hour lecture on what a thesis statement is, and why it is important for research writing. After the lecture, participants will be divided into groups (3-4 people per group) and will engage themselves in the actual process of developing a thesis statement. During the group work, a step-by-step recipe on how to develop a thesis statement

懇親会(Day 1) Social Gathering  17:30-19:30 * 詳細は下記をご参照ください。* Please refer the following for more details

2日目(Day 2) Session3  10:00-12:00
How to develop a convincing support for your thesis statement

The primary focus of this session is the practical application of logical thinking skills to research writing. The session will begin with a one-hour lecture on some basic concepts about logic and argumentation. After the lecture, participants will be given some logic exercises to do. They will be also asked to work as a group (3-4 people per group) to solve some logical puzzles. Selected exercises will be presented and commented.

2日目(Day 2) Session4  13:00-16:00
How to write a high-quality abstract

This session will last three hours, starting with a one-hour lecture on the necessary requirements for a high quality abstract. After the lecture, participants will be divided into groups (3-4 people per group) and will engage themselves in the actual process of developing an abstract. During the group work, a step-by-step recipe on how to develop a high quality abstract will be provided. Selected abstracts will be presented and commented.

■ 懇親会 Social Gathering
 ポール先生やセミナー参加者などと情報を交換する懇親会を開催します。英語論文執筆やアカデミックライティングにおける課題や問題点を共有できるこの機会を、ぜひご活用ください。 ※ セミナーに参加しなくても参加することができます。
【日時】 2015年9月10日(木) 17:30 - 19:30
Date: 17:30-19:30, Thursday, September 10
【場所】 マーメイドカフェ広島大学店
Venue: Mermaid Cafe
【会費】 3,000円
Fee: 3,000 YEN

【問合せ先 Contact】
広島大学 学術・社会産学連携室 研究企画室(ライティングセンター担当)
電話: 082-424-4469
E-mail: wrc-research@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
