研究・教育活動 / Research and Education

研究・教育活動の概要 / Research and Education


この観測研究には、かなた望遠鏡の豊富な観測時間を活用した可視光・近赤外線の重点的観測のほかに、広島大学が開発に貢献しているガンマ線衛星Fermi(旧名: GLAST)や、X線衛星すざくなどの高エネルギー天文衛星との連携も重視されています。かなた望遠鏡の制御系を最新鋭の機構に改造し、観測天体に特化した観測装置を自前で開発して望遠鏡に搭載することで、世界的にも稀な観測体制を敷き、高エネルギー宇宙現象の解明に努めています。


(最終更新: 2011年11月4日)

At Hiroshima University, we are researching the physical characteristics of time variable high energy events in the universe, using the Kanata telescope at the Higashihiroshima Observatory.

In addition to utilizing our abundant observing time with the Kanata telescope to observe in the optical and near-infrared, we also collaborate with teams using high-energy space telescopes, such as the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (former name: GLAST) and the X-ray astronomy satellite Suzaku.

Although our 1.5m Kanata telescope is a professional telescope for scientific research, we open the facilities for undergraduate and graduate education for students mainly in western Japan. We also advocate providing opportunities for everyone to experience state-of-the-art science by organizing open house events, seminars, star parties, summer schools for high-school students, and online streaming of events.

(Latest update: 4th November, 2011)


研究・開発 / Research and Development

研究テーマ / Research

装置開発 / Instrument Development

研究成果など / Research News

他機関などとの共同研究 / Collaborations with other institutes

教育・普及活動 / Education and Outreach

  • 大学生教育(卒業研究)
    Undergraduate education (research for graduation)
  • 大学院生教育(観測/開発研究)
    Graduate education (observations and instrument development)
  • 公開講演会、出張授業等
    Public talks, guest lectures at local schools and events

施設公開 / Open House

宇宙科学センターでの研究に興味がある大学生の皆さんへ / For those who are interested in working with us at the Astrophysical Science Center

  • 大学院生(修士・博士)および学部4年生(卒業研究)の受け入れ
    Research cources for graduates (master and doctor) and undergraduates (research for graduation)

外部評価報告書、研究活動の点検・評価 / External evaluation report, self-inspection report


Certificate of appreciation to the former director Dr. Ohsugi, in recognition of contributions to GLAST (Fermi) from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
