学位申請に係る提出物 Required Documents for Application


Please refer to "Application and Submission Guidelines for Doctoral Degree" and Reference regarding number of copies and fomats, etc.


Please download all forms URL avobe. (Campus Members-only)

①学位論文審査願 Application for Dissertation Review

②履歴書 Personal History

③論文目録 Catalog of Dissertation

④論文内容要旨 Abstract

⑤主論文 Dissertation


⑦共著者承諾書 Co-author’s Signature(CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE)

⑧博士の学位論文の提出及び公表に係る確認書(申請書) Doctoral Dissertation Submission and Publication Confirmation

⑨「広島大学学術情報リポジトリで公表することに係る確認事項」チェック表/Items to be Verified Before Publication

⑩修了後の連絡先確認書  / Post-Graduation Contact Confirmation File 

⑪早期修了にかかる研究指導グループからの意見書 Written opinion from supervisors for early completion

※Applicants must prepare a list of accomplishuments (with prescribed form) Please be sure to attach one reprint or other copy (photocopies acceptable) of each work.Please note that research achievements must be from the time of admission to the universty to th time of application.

⑫受講届 Attendance Sheet (not necessary if you submitted before applying for a degree)

⑬研究倫理教育受講修了証 Certificate of Research Ethics Education Completion

⑭(歯学系のみ/Dentistry only)審査委員候補者推薦書 Recommendation the candidate for members of the Screening Committee

提出先(書類①~⑭)Submission destination

学生支援グループ大学院担当 Student Support Group
Mail kasumi-gaku-g@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Please be careful that the forms No.1 to 3 are different depend on your enrollment year.

最終試験(口頭試問)終了後、審査委員主査が提出する書類/Documents to be submitted by the jury chief after the final examination (oral examination)

①論文審査の結果の要旨/Summary of Dissertation Review

②最終試験の結果の要旨/Summary of Presentation Review and Oral Examination Review

③博士の学位論文の剽窃に係る確認書/Doctoral Dissertation Plagiarism Checking Confirmation
