The Writing Group

In 2017, the Hiroshima University Writing Center launched the Writing Group, a new support project for assisting researchers at the University to write high quality journal papers.

Our Writing Groups offer their members the opportunity of giving and receiving peer feedback on their writing. As the group meets regularly to discuss your current writing, they can also support you in structuring the writing process.

The Writing Advisor Fellow facilitates the groups and offers input based on the group members' needs.


If you are interested in the Writing Group please contact:
The Research Planning Office (Writing Center)

*Note that the Writing Group is subject to availability*

For more information, please refer to our Writing Group introduction video:


"I attended two 10-week sessions, which gave me great opportunities of introspecting my writing approach and writing style through interaction with the [former] writing fellow Todd and group members. The writing group sessions did help not only improve my writing skill but also realize techincal phase. That is, I could learn efficient way of searching and finding suitable journals, approaching joirnal editiors, and an appropriate maner of dealing with their responses (even when we receive rejections). I could gain a lot from the sessions.

To be honest, it was extremely demanding for me to produce a certain volume of written work to share with other members at each session for consecutive 10 weeks when school is in session. Quite often I attempted to be excused not going, but even a small piece of work was welcomed and members gave me precious comments.

Because of such encouraging, I could manage to go through 10 weeks and finish one piece of article. Of course it was not a final version and needed to be revised several times, yet at least I had the piece! I strongly recomment participating in the writing group if you would like to know how we should approach writing." - Miki Shibata, PhD, Professor in Applied Linguistics


Before I joined the Writing Group, I thought that this type of activity was only time-consuming. I also believed that I could just hire a professional proof-reader to make me a better writer. I thought all I needed was time for myself and enough money.

I was wrong.

One thing I've learned in the Writing Group is that it is your best manager to create time for writing, particularly when you have a busy schedule. You won't find time unless you make writing a priority. With your partners and facilitator in the Writing Group, it’s so easy to create time. The other lesson is that academic writing is more about storytelling than about proofreading. The Writing Group gives you plenty of opportunities to have your papers read by very intelligent academics who may not share your expertise in your field. They're the best trainers to make you a storyteller. With a good story line, your paper becomes a pleasure to read for your editors, peer reviewers and general readers. Grammar or usage is of second importance, something a professional proof-reader can correct for you. You can't be a good writer without a sense of storytelling. Money can't buy that sense.

Join the Writing Group and learn to be a better writer." Yosuke Yanase, PhD, Professor of English Education
