
Smart Agriculture

島田 昌之 教授/SHIMADA Masayuki Professor

Our main topic is a molecular mechanism of reproductive biology in mammals. The effects of aging, obesity and infection on reproductive performance are also our targets. From the basic studies, we are trying to develop a reproductive technology, such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, sperm sexing and so on.

Keywords: 卵子|排卵、受精/ 体外受精、体外成熟、卵巣、生殖補助技術(医療)、精子形成、精巣、精子保存

1. Female reproductive life span is extended by targeted removal of fibrotic collagen from the mouse ovary, SCIENCE ADVANCES, 8巻, 24号, 20220617
2. Toll-like Receptor 2 is Involved in Calcium Influx and Acrosome Reaction to Facilitate Sperm Penetration to Oocytes During in vitro Fertilization in Cattle, FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 10巻, 20220224
3. ★, Inhibition of PI 3-kinase or MEK Leads to Suppression of p34cdc2 kinase Activity and Meiotic Progression beyond the MI stage in Porcine Oocyte Surrounded with Cumulus Cells., Biology of Reproduction, 65巻, 2号, pp. 442-448, 20010401

西堀 正英 教授/NISHIBORI Masahide Professor

Based on the molecular evolution, molecular phylogeny and molecular geography of mammals and birds using animal genome information, we cooperate and contribute to the conservation and protection of ecosystems and biodiversity. Moreover, we elucidate the domestication of animals and poultry from genomic information, clarify the genomic structure related to environmental adaptation and production of native animals and poultry, and practice research that contributes to Smart Agriculture.

Keywords: 中央アジア(カザフスタン)/遺伝資源/ラクダ/サイガ、家畜家禽化|遺伝子流動|分子系統生態学、保全|遺伝的多様性、進化|動物遺伝資源、ゲノム|家禽|家禽遺伝資源、ゲノム解析|動物遺伝資源|分子系統学、調査|キジ目|分子遺伝学、鳥類|抗病性|遺伝子発現、家畜|ゲノム

1. Insights on the historical biogeography of Philippine domestic pigs and its relationship with continental domestic pigs and wild boars, PLOS ONE, 17巻, 3号, 2022
2. Origin and Demographic History of Philippine Pigs Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA, FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, 12巻, 20220125
3. ★, Molecular evidence for hybridization of species in the genus Gallus except for Gallus varius., Animal Genetics, 36巻, 5号, pp. 367-375, 20051001

杉野 利久 教授/SUGINO Toshihisa Professor

Our research focuses on improving dairy nutrition and feeding management for healthy milk production. Especially, I am focused on the relationship between dietary nutrient and growth factor secretion and action, and between dietary nutrient and barn condition (heat stress). And I am also working on the digital transformation of dairy management using sensing and IoT technology.

Keywords: 反芻動物|消化管ホルモン、グルカゴン様ペプチド1、グレリン、泌乳牛、子牛、代謝

1. Changes of photosynthetic pigments and phytol content at different levels of nitrogen fertilizer in Italian ryegrass fresh herbage and hay, GRASSLAND SCIENCE, 68巻, 1号, pp. 53-59, 202201
2. Rumen microbiota and its relation to fermentation in lactose-fed calves, JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 104巻, 10号, pp. 10744-10752, 202110
3. ★, Plasma concentrations of glucagon-like peptide 1 and 2 in calves fed calf starters containing lactose., Journal of Dairy Science, 2017

小池 一彦 教授/KOIKE Kazuhiko Professor

For sustainable utilization of marine biological resources, understanding and management of microalgae (single cell algae or phytoplankton) which are the basis of marine ecosystem are necessary. At unique coastal areas such as Seto Inland Sea of Japan, coral reefs and mangrove swamps which are the fields of fishery production, fertilization of the coastal areas is tackled by the multiplication promotion of their growth, and management of red tide and shellfish poisonings caused by some harmful species is also tackled.

Keywords: バラスト水、褐虫藻、植物プランクトン、海洋基礎生産、サンゴ礁、有害藻類、海洋生物の共生、沿岸漁業の再生、微細藻類、光合成

1. Can Acropora tenuis larvae attract native Symbiodiniaceae cells by green fluorescence at the initial establishment of symbiosis?, PLoS ONE, 16巻, 6号, pp. e0252514., 202106
2. Symbiodiniacean cell supply method for improvement in survival of Tridacna squamosa seeds, NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI, 87巻, 2号, pp. 123-131, 202101
3. ★, Fecal pellets of giant clams as a route for transporting Symbiodiniaceae to corals, PLOS ONE, 15巻, 12号, 202012

丸山 史人 教授/MARUYAMA Fumito Professor

Our research focuses on understanding how microorganisms interact with each other, with their symbiotic hosts and with the environment, both experimentally and through big data analysis. Topics includes the relationship between climate change and microbes, genomic dynamics of pathogenic microbes in habitats, and pathogenic microbes and antibiotic resistance in aquaculture. 

Keywords: 微生物免疫システム、進化・生態、外来因子、微生物ゲノム・メタゲノム、恒常性、生物間・生物-無生物相互作用、細菌叢・細菌群集、微生物・感染症学、環境感染症

1. Protocol of living cell separation using the microfluidic dielectrophoresis integrated chip, STAR Protoc., 3巻, 3号, pp. 101527, 20220916
2. Diversity and characteristics of pTet family plasmids revealed by genomic epidemiology of Campylobacter jejuni from human patients in Toyama, Japan from 2015 to 2019, bioRxiv, 20220628
3. ★, Continuation and replacement of Vibrio cholerae non‐O1 clonal genomic groups isolated from Plecoglossus altivelis fish in freshwaters, Environ Microbiol., 22巻, 10号, pp. 4473-4484, 20200816

チャン ダン スアン  教授/TRAN Dang Xuan Professor

Development of biomass energy technologies and application to developing countries
Agricultural ecology and development of sustainable agricultural technologies

Keywords: 持続的農業、食品化学、育種、バイオ科学、雑草防除、分析化学

1. Identification and Isolation Techniques for Plant Growth Inhibitors in Rice, SEPARATIONS, 10巻, 2号, 202302
2. Benzimidazole Derivatives Suppress Fusarium Wilt Disease via Interaction with ERG6 of Fusarium equiseti and Activation of the Antioxidant Defense System of Pepper Plants, JOURNAL OF FUNGI, 9巻, 2号, 202302
3. Feasibility of 10 MW Biomass-Fired Power Plant Used Rice Straw in Cambodia, ENERGIES, 16巻, 2号, 202301

保坂 哲朗 教授/HOSAKA Tetsuro Professor

I have been working on the diversity and ecological functions of insects in various ecosystems including forests, agricultural lands, wetlands, and urban green spaces. Also, I am interested in the interactions between human and nature, such as nature-based tourism, children's nature play and conflicts with wildlife, from the perspective of biodiversity conservation.

Keywords: 生態学、生物多様性、昆虫学、種子食性昆虫、熱帯雨林、一斉開花、食糞性コガネムシ、持続的森林管理、都市生態学、昆虫を対象としたレクレーションやツーリズム、人間ー自然相互作用

1. ★, 都市における「自然との触れ合い」のベネフィット:新たな人間-自然関係の構築へ向けて., Wildlife Forum, 27巻, 2号, pp. 14-17, 202302
2. Key environmental factors underlying terrestrial arthropod abundance and diversity in alley-cropping and monoculture oil palm plantations, Tropics, In press巻, 202306
3. Parents? orientation is more important for children?s visits to greenspaces than the availability of spaces and time, LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, 235巻, 202307

渡邉 園子 准教授/WATANABE Sonoko Associate Professor

Research and education on vegetation and landscape ecology of SATOYAMA ecosystems with a wide range of conservation issues.
-Geographic distribution patterns of rural landscapes
-Biodiversity conservation in SATOYAMA

Keywords: 景観生態学、里地・里山、生物多様性保全、水生植物

1. Clonal structure and flowering traits of a bamboo [Phyllostachys pubescens (Mazel) Ohwi] stand grown from a simultaneous flowering as revealed by AFLP analysis, Molecular Ecology, 13巻, pp. 2017-2021, 20040427
3. Evaluation of the Environmental DNA Method for Estimating Distribution and Biomass of Submerged Aquatic Plants, PLOS ONE, 11巻, 6号, 20160615

若林 香織 准教授/WAKABAYASHI Kaori Associate Professor

Our studies focus on reproduction and growth of marine invertebrates towards sustainable uses of fishery resources. Current main project is development of a seed production technique for spiny and slipper lobsters based on the fundamental and applied researches of these animals.

Keywords: 甲殻類の増養殖、海産無脊椎動物の生活史戦略

1. Diversification of cephalic shield shape and antenna in phyllosoma I of slipper and spiny lobsters (Decapoda: Achelata), FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 10巻, 20230327
2. Finding the missing puzzle piece of the nisto stage in the larval cycle of the slipper lobster Scyllarides squammosus: a molecular and morphological approach, ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES, 61巻, pp. 73-1-73-12, 202212
3. Exploring evolutionary trends within the Pennellidae (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) using molecular data, SYSTEMATIC PARASITOLOGY, 99巻, 4号, pp. 477-489, 202208

カムランシー タナツチヤポーン 准教授/KUMRUNGSEE Thanutchaporn Associate Professor

I am interested in the roles of nutrients in promoting muscle health and preventing muscle atrophy such as in aging and diabetes, focusing on muscle regeneration and muscle stem cells. My second topic is appetite regulation by nutrients for developing anti-obesity functional foods or drugs.

Keywords: skeletal muscle、muscle stem cells (satellite cells)、muscle regeneration、functional foods、bioactive compounds、carnosine/Homocarnosine、obesity、GABA、vitamin B6

1. Effect of pressure cooking on phenolic compounds of quinoa, Grain & Oil Science and Technology, 20230330
2. Exogenous Penicillium camemberti Lipase Preparation Exerts Prebiotic-like Effects by Increasing Cecal Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus Abundance in Rats, FERMENTATION-BASEL, 9巻, 3号, 202303
3. ★, Inhibition of calcium-calmodulin complex formation by vasorelaxant basic dipeptides demonstrated by in vitro and in silico analyses, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- General Subjects, 1840巻, pp. 3073-3078, 2014

冨永 淳 助教/TOMINAGA Jun Assistant Professor

My lab focuses on photosynthesis for improving crop production. I also try to address questions involving the climate change, stress physiology, and sustainable and smart agriculture. My dream is to develop an automatic system where plant optimize their management by themselves. 

Keywords: 光合成、ガス交換、現象学、陸上植物・作物の生理生態学

1. Arabidopsis BSD2 reveals a novel redox regulation of Rubisco physiology in vivo, Plant Signaling and Behavior, 15巻, 4号, 20200402
2. ★, Overexpression of BUNDLE SHEATH DEFECTIVE 2 improves the efficiency of photosynthesis and growth in Arabidopsis, Plant Journal, 102巻, 1号, pp. 129-137, 20200401
3. Overexpression of the protein disulfide isomerase AtCYO1 in chloroplasts slows dark-induced senescence in Arabidopsis, BMC Plant Biology, 18巻, 1号, 20180504

藤吉 奏 助教/FUJIYOSHI So Assistant Professor

In our lab, we use bioinformatics to explore the fascinating world of airborne and aquatic microbes. Our view of these environments is holistic, part of a larger ecosystem. To discover the interactions between microorganisms and their environment, we bring together global experts across disciplines, integrating fieldwork with genomic analysis. 

Keywords: 相互作用、高速シーケンサー、細菌群集、ゲノム微生物学、メタゲノム、微生物生態学、微生物学

1. The holobiome of marine harmful algal blooms (HABs): A novel ecosystem-based approach for implementing predictive capabilities and managing decisions, Environmental Science & Policy, 143巻, pp. 44-54, 202305
2. Learning from mistakes: challenges in finding holobiont factors from environmental samples and the importance of methodological consistency, CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 80巻, 202304
3. Zooplankton act as cruise ships promoting the survival and pathogenicity of pathogenic bacteria, MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY, 66巻, 12号, pp. 564-578, 202212


Our group focuses on researching natural products and their applications in agriculture and human health protections, specifically in preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cancer. In addition, we conduct metabolomic studies to decode the reaction mechanisms of crop varieties under various weather and environmental pressures.

Keywords: 天然物、生化学、農芸化学、機能性食品

1. Rice Momilactones and Phenolics: Expression of Relevant Biosynthetic Genes in Response to UV and Chilling Stresses, Agronomy, 12巻, 8号, pp. 1731, 20220722
2. Challenges and Priorities of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Cambodia, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19巻, 14号, pp. 8458, 20220711
3. Cytotoxicity of Callerya speciosa Fractions against Myeloma and Lymphoma Cell Lines, MOLECULES, 27巻, 7号, 202204
