
Social Innovation Science

金子 慎治 教授/KANEKO Shinji Professor

Study on Sustainable Development for Developing Countries 
Environmental Policy Studies in Asia

Keywords: 開発と環境、貧困と環境、環境経済学、環境政策、気候政策 、都市化と環境、再生可能エネルギー

1. Decomposition analysis of air pollution abatement in China: empirical study for ten industrial sectors from 1998 to 2009, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 59巻, pp. 22-31, 2013
2. Determinants of user satisfaction with solar home systems in rural Bangladesh, ENERGY, 61巻, pp. 52-58, 2013
3. The effects of internal migration on residential energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A case study in Hanoi, ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 17巻, 6号, pp. 572-580, 2013

市橋 勝 教授/ ICHIHASHI Masaru Professor

Quantitative Comparison for Asian Economy, International and Regional Studies of Economy, Analysis for Industrial Development, Japanese Economic System, Economics Statistics Analysis

Keywords: 比較経済発展、経済統計分析、貧困削減、産業連関分析、国際開発、産業構造、グラフ理論、経済依存

1. Prospective Accelerating Sectors to Attain Sustainable Development in Bangladesh Economy: Findings from a Sectoral Approach Using Input-Output Analysis, SUSTAINABILITY, 15巻, 3号, 202302
2. The link between financial leverage and investment decisions in Vietnam's small and medium-sized enterprises, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS, 29巻, 4号, pp. 1090-1101, 20220704
3. ★, Notes on Comparative Economic Development, IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No. 6-3巻, pp. 1-70, 2016

マハラジヤン ケシヤブ ラル 教授/MAHARJAN Keshav Lall Professor

Rural Economics; issues related to agricultural economy and rural dynamics
South Asian Studies; issues related to socio-economy of South Asia

Keywords: 農業経済学、農村開発論、南アジア地域研究、ネパール研究

1. Cyclone-Induced Disaster Loss Reduction by Social Media: A Case Study on Cyclone Amphan in Koyra Upazila, Khulna District, Bangladesh, SUSTAINABILITY, 14巻, 21号, 202211
2. Factors Affecting Farmers' Adoption of Flood Adaptation Strategies Using Structural Equation Modeling, WATER, 14巻, 19号, 202210
3. ★, Resisting the vineyard invasion: Anti-pesticide movements as a vehicle for territorial food democracy and just sustainability transitions, Journal of Rural Studies, 20210622

後藤 大策 教授/GOTO Daisaku Professor

Applied Microeconomics for Development and Environmental Policy Studies
Field Experiments in Development and Environmental Economics
Design and Evaluation of Social and Behavioral Change Communication

Keywords:  社会・行動変容、無作為化比較対照フィールド実験、エビデンスに基づいた政策立案

1. ★, Agricultural land consolidation, labor allocation and land productivity: A case study of plot exchange policy in Vietnam, Economic Analysis and Policy, 43巻, pp. 455-473, 202203
2. ★, Strategic non-use of the government's precommitment ability for emissions taxation: Environmental R&D formation in a Cournot duopoly, AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS, 61巻, 1号, pp. 181-206, 202203
3. ★, Does experience sharing affect farmers' pro-environmental behavior? A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam, WORLD DEVELOPMENT, 136巻, 105062号, 202012

高橋 与志 教授/TAKAHASHI Yoshi Professor

Human Resource Development / Management, Management of Technology, Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Keywords: 人的資源開発、人的資源管理、組織行動論、技術経営、中小企業、アジア、CLMV

1. Optimizing firm's supply chain resilience in data-driven business environment, JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPERATIONS AND STRATEGIC SOURCING, 16巻, 2号, pp. 258-281, 20230427
2. How does perceived organizational justice mediate talent management of non-high potential employees and their outcomes?, JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, 20巻, 1号, pp. 79-95, 20230124
3. Investigating the TOE context in achieving food supply chain network performance: the role of supplier collaboration capability, JOURNAL FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT, 14巻, 4号, pp. 434-464, 2022

シャリフィ アユーブ 教授/SHARIFI Ayyoob Professor

Urban Planning and Policy Development, Environmental Planning and Management, Climate Policy, Smart City, Sustainable Cities

Keywords: 都市気候変動の緩和と適応、自然を基盤とした解決策、グリーンインフラストラクチャー、都市の微気象、都市のレジリエンス、持続可能な都市構造、評価ツール

1. ★, Low carbon futures: assessing the status of decarbonisation efforts at universities within a 2050 perspective, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 5巻, 20230216
2. ★, Toward a societal smart city: Clarifying the social justice dimension of smart cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, 95巻, pp. 104612, 20230801
3. ★, Governance in the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals in higher education: global trends, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20230503

ジョシ ニラズ プラカシュ 准教授/JOSHI Niraj Prakash Associate Professor

Agricultural Economics, Farming under Changing Climate, Adoption of Innovative Farm Practices, and Poverty and Rural Development in Developing Countries

Keywords: Rural livelihoods, climate change, poverty, food insecurity, farming, remittance, agricultural production economics, agricultural product marketing

1. Promoting agri-food systems resilience through ICT in developing countries amid COVID-19, FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS, 6巻, 20230127
2. Assessment of flood vulnerability of riverine island community using a composite flood vulnerability index, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, 82巻, 202211
3. ★, Food and Nutrient Supply from Organic Agriculture in the Least Developed Countries and North America, Sustainability, 13巻, 9号, pp. 5068, 20210430

シマンガン ダリア コリヤ-ド 准教授/SIMANGAN Dahlia Collado Associate Professor

International Relations Theory, Peacebuilding Theory, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Peace-Sustainability Nexus, Anthropocene

Keywords: 国際関係論、平和、平和構築、国連、Anthropocene

1. Responsibility and agency in securitizing climate change in the Anthropocene, NEW PERSPECTIVES, 31巻, 1号, pp. 11-17, 202303
2. ★, A global analysis of interactions between peace and environmental sustainability, EARTH SYSTEM GOVERNANCE, 14巻, 100152号, 202212
3. ★, Can the Liberal International Order Survive the Anthropocene? Three Propositions for Converging Peace and Survival, THE ANTHROPOCENE REVIEW, 9巻, 1号, pp. 37-51, 20220401

近藤 雅征 准教授/KONDO Masayuki Associate Professor

Evaluation of climate change countermeasures, analysis of greenhouse gas dynamics, land use change research in tropical regions, and theoretical research on Earth's climate regulation.

Keywords: 気候変動対策、温室効果ガス、土地利用変化、モデルシミュレーション、リモートセンシング

1. ★, Autumn cooling paused increased CO2 release in central Eurasia, Nature Climate Change, 20230101
2. ★, State of the science in reconciling top-down and bottom-up approaches for terrestrial CO2 budget, Global Change Biology, 26(3), 1068-1084, 20200301
3. ★, Land use change and El Niño-Southern Oscillation drive decadal carbon balance shifts in Southeast Asia, Nature Communications, 9(1), 20181201

ハーン グラム ダスタギール 助教/KHAN GHULAM DASTGIR Assistant Professor

I conduct empirical research on issues related to development policy, with a specific focus on the extractive/mining sector, agriculture and rural development, and migration. I believe that my contribution to the generation of empirical evidence can support policymakers in addressing complex development issues. Through my research, I strive to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the advancement of development policy.

Keywords: 影響評価、開発政策、採掘、環境影響評価、移動、農業・農村開発

1. Does access to agricultural credit help disaster-affected farming households to invest more on agricultural input?, Agricultural Finance Review, 83巻, 1号, pp. 96-106, 2023
2. Assessing Health and Dietary Issues of Households Displaced Due to the Aynak Copper Mine Project, Afghanistan, The Extractive Industries and Society, valume 15, pp. 101299, 2023
3. ★, Mining-induced displacement and resettlement in Afghanistan's Aynak mining community: Exploring the right to fair compensation, Resources Policy, 74巻, 74号, 20210805

カロ バーネット ヨハン 助教/CARO-BURNETT JOHANN Assistant Professor

I study political economy by using game theory and secondary data. I'm also interested in experimental behavioral economics.

Keywords: voting behavior; international agreements; peace and conflict; behavioral change

1. Optimal voting rules for international organizations, with an application to the United Nations, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY, 24巻, 6号, pp. 1463-1501, 202212
2. Is Society Ready for AI Ethical Decision Making? Lessons from a Study on Autonomous Cars, JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS, 98巻, 202206
3. Coordination and the provision of incentives to a common regulated firm, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29巻, 5号, 201109

西條 春信 助教/SAIJO Harunobu Assistant Professor

My research focuses on issues in comparative politics and security studies, such as civil-military relations, state security organizations, authoritarian politics, and the drivers of state capacity. 

Keywords: 比較政治、歴史的政治経済、安全保障、権威主義

1. ★Saijo, Harunobu. " How Strategic Purge of State Security Personnel Protect Dictators." Security Studies (Forthcoming). 
2. Amano, Kenya, et al. "Field Research When There Is Limited Access to the Field: Lessons from Japan." PS: Political Science & Politics 56.1 (2023): 99-105.
3. Saijo, Harunobu. "The effects of electoral anticipation on portfolio allocation." Party Politics 27.5 (2021): 1044-1054.
